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(61 - 76 of 76)


Increasing the Predictive Power of thePossession Metric in Football byAdding Spatio-temporal Context
Studying measures for interpersonal synchrony in brain responseby means of applying graph theory measures to EEG data
Meta-analysis for continuous outcomes with a baseline and follow-up measurement
The effect of different variables associations onthe prediction accuracy of Statistical Matchingwith categorical data
Maximizing statistical power in neurological trials by covariate adjustment, exploiting ordinality and repeated assessments
Batch effect correction methods improve the evaluation of clusterability in single-cell transcriptomics data
Bayesian Tests for Conditional Independence in Contingency Tables
Confirmatory Factor Analysis for largedatasets using Pairwise MaximumLikelihood
Extended Evolutionary Isolation Forest
Evaluating non-parametric E-variables for statistical testing
Adjusted Cumulative Incidence Curves for Competing Risks Data
Discussion of renewal process methods for estimating the incubation period of SARS-CoV-2
Recurrent events in family designs
Under which circumstances do simple methods for handling missing data in incomplete baseline covariates give reliable results
Learning Smooth Conditional Class Probability Functions With Deep Neural Networks
Estimating the Effect of Classification Errors on Domain Statistics
