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(21 - 40 of 1,783)


“Graffiti Scrawls: ‘This is not your country’”: Belfast  Murals as Modern Ideological Battlefields
Disparities in Media Discourse on Refugees
Feminist Foreign Policy – A Transformative Policy Framework or an Empty Label?
The European Union's Strategic Autonomy: The Pursuit of Power-over-Itself and Actorness
Between Nature Conservation and Land Rights: The Case of the Maasai and the Ngorongoro  Conservation Area
A New Age of Trade Union Cooperation – Analysing European Trade Unions’ Digitalisation Strategies
Bethlehem’s Tent of Nations: Solidarity Tourism and Everyday Resistance in Occupied Palestine
Evaluating Social Impact Bonds in Germany: A Critical Perspective of Early Stage Financialisation in Social Policy
Can You Fetch the Coffee Please?
Businesses and the European Union’s geo-economic awakening
Sino Japanese interactions in the development of  infrastructure in Southeast Asia: Burning or Building Bridges?
Are Human Rights a Western Construct?
Embracing India’s International Citizens
Dutch foreign policy with regard to Francoist Spain, 1945-1955
Framing the War in Ukraine in Slovak Populist Discourse
Bible Backed Statecraft: Religion as a Political Force in Brazil during the Presidency of Jair Messias Bolsonaro
