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(25,281 - 25,300 of 25,349)


Universal Composability en Indifferentiability
From elasticity to equations
Romeinse invloed op de Mithras-cultus. Verschillen tussen Mithraea in het Rijngebied en Romeins Britannië
The Golden Rock. Seventeenth- and eighteenth-century metal buckles from Oranje Bay, St. Eustatius
Tools for Lifting Boundaries. A Comparison between Contemporary and Archaeological Shamanistic Paraphernalia in South America and the Caribbean Area
Architecture on Late Roman Coins. Representations of architecture on the reverse image of coins from Diocletian's reform onwards, 4th - 6th centuries AD
Glimpses of a solution to the measurement problem in quantum theory
A space of spaces
Besliskunde in Tennis
De Zariski topologie versus de Sterke topologie
Modellen voor eindige lichamen
Competities, schuifpuzzels en automorfismen van S6
De Interestrekeninghe van Ludolf van Ceulen
A mathematical approach to scalable personalized PageRank
Optimal strategies for an evacuation problem
Groepsacties op bomen
Een gat in de kop. Over Etruskische canopen uit het gebied van Chiusi en funeraire rituelen ca. 670-580 v.Chr.
Representations of Lie algebras and the su(5) Grand Unified Theory
The classification of bound quark states
Coupled systems of differential equations and chaos
