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(1 - 20 of 88)


Russian Foreign Policy: Bigger than the Sum of its Parts A Multi-Theory Approach to the Syrian Case
Making amends? Constitutional amendments in Russia and Kazakhstan and their significance for the regime
A European Green Deal in a Hydrocarbon Dominated EU-Russia Energy Relation: ‘Ideas, contestation and change’
Rediscovering Soviet Subversion? Studying the effect of GRU reforms on subversive action
"One person's terrorist, another person's freedom fighter": Russian decapitation efforts and its impact on the operational effectiveness of Chechen rebel groups
Cronyism in Russian Federation: Arkady Rotenberg as an Example of Cronyism in Russia
A Game of Cat and Mouse: RT's Use of Deceptive Logical Fallacies in its Coverage of Bellingcat's MH17-Reports
Russia in the Baltic states: a ticking time bomb?
Are Minorities in Europe 'Othered' in the Space between Policy and Academic Research? - A Case Study on Russians in Latvia and Estonia
Lida's side of the story. A case study of national identity in Belarus.
Spread of an Infodemic: Disinformation in the Russian Media Ecosystem
Carving Agency out of Ice: Regional Agency in Russia's Arctic Development
Inequality in the Russian Agricultural Sector
Navalny’s Anti-corruption Foundation in authoritarian Russia
The Blockchain Technology in Russia - Friend or Foe to the Russian Authorities
Local Memory of Tragedy amidst a War of Memories:  A Case Study of the 2nd of May Events in Odesa, Ukraine
The framing of Russia’s 2018 pension reform in state-controlled news broadcasting
Defining the 'People's Republics' of the Donbas: A research into the origins, structure and patronage of the Donetsk and Luhansk People's Republics
Ruslands Regionale Politiek door de Lens van Sociale Media van Gouverneurs
