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(1 - 20 of 116)


EU Cross-Border Cooperation: What made it tick? Does it still?
The influence capacity of think tanks
The IMF’s Shift Towards Inclusive Growth: Illusion or Reality?
The political adoption of expert advice on cross-cutting policy issues
Kicking in the locked door: The influence of policy consultants during Dutch policymaking.
The Dutch Administrative Elite: A look at the socio-demographic and career- educational background of the Algemene Bestuursdienst’s Top Management Group
The continuation of state aid in new EU member states and the role of DG COMP in enforcing EU state aid law
Expert Knowledge Utilisation in the EU: Instrumental, Symbolic or Strategic?
The contextual conditionspromoting expert influence inItalian policy advisory systems
Educational and professional background of Indian top civil servants under Prime- Minister Modi
The Influence of the World Bank's Evidence for Peace Program on the Policies of Tunisia and Egypt
The Role of NATO’s Bureaucracy on its Eastern Enlargement
Expertise of Top Civil Servants in the EU Agency for Cooperation of Energy Regulators
Influencer in the Global Political Arena - The Impact of the OECD on Environmental Policy
The use of expert knowledge through advisory commissions in public policymaking
