Leiden University Student Repository

Search results

(1 - 20 of 105)


Validating the key characteristics of financial inertia
Increasing interest in learning new and complex information
Increasing interest in learning new and complex information
Increasing interest in learning new and complex information
Increasing interest in learning new and complex information
Increasing interest in learning new and complex information
Trust, Information Asymmetry and Unexpected Outcomes
Who are you to punish me?! Influence of punishment on cooperation in fault-line groups
Do people respond less to punishment in fault-line groups: Two theoretical perspectives
The Effect of Unexpected  Outcomes and Information  Asymmetry on Trust in  Economic Interactions
Turning Lemons into Lemonade Can groups turn a threat into a gain?
An anticommons dilemma with uncertainty and accountability
The Tragedy of the Anticommons: The Effect of Uncertainty and Accountability
The tragedy of the anti-commons: effects of uncertainty and accountability
