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(1 - 20 of 107)


Decoding the Volunteer Dilemma
Conflict Avoidance and Common Resource Dilemmas
Effect of mean group dominance score on total group harvest in resource dilemmas
Psychological ownership and cooperation in an anticommons dilemma: The effects of SVO and effort
The anticommons dilemma: the effects of externalities awareness and social value orientation
Het vrijwilligersdilemma: Vrijwilliger door identificatie met groepsgenoten
Anticommons: Redeeming the tragedy - How to increase cooperative behaviour in anticommons dilemmas
Pro-sociaal gedrag in het vrijwilligersdilemma
The influence of noise on reciprocity in trust games
The influence of annoying banner ads on attitude towards and memory of the brand: An eye-tracking study
The role of salience in tacit coordination: An eye-tracking study
Do annoyance and task difficulty influence banner advertisements’ efficacy? An eye-tracking study
De invloed van het kennen van een groep op het vrijwilligersgedrag in de groep
Volunteer’s dilemma en extraversie
Trust and reciprocity under noise: When intentions cannot be communicated clearly
