This study investigated the relationship between self-management and a group of disease outcomes over time, namely working ability (number of paid working hours), mental health (anxiety and...Show moreThis study investigated the relationship between self-management and a group of disease outcomes over time, namely working ability (number of paid working hours), mental health (anxiety and depression) and symptom severity (pain and fatigue), in participants with Post-Treatment Lyme Disease Syndrome (PTLDS). PTLDS is a condition where a patient experiences symptoms for six months or longer after being treated for acute Lyme disease. Symptoms include fatigue, pain and cognitive impairment and can be very burdensome to these patients. Currently, there is no official treatment and very little information on how the illness interacts with common interventions. This study used data collected in the PLEASE (Berende et al., 2014) and PLEASE 5+ (Kullberg et al., 2020) studies. These studies gave surveys to the same participant pool (n = 201) once during a placebo-controlled randomised clinical trial of long-term antibiotics treatment (PLEASE) and a follow-up assessment 7 years later (PLEASE 5+). The average age of this cohort is 58 and there was an approximately equal spread of males and females. Participants had been PTLDS patients for five years on average. Statistical analyses were performed on this data using hierarchical regression and Pearson correlation analyses. Higher self-management at baseline was associated with lower fatigue severity 7 years later (controlled for baseline fatigue) (p = .019). No significant relationships were found between self-management and the other disease outcomes tested. This result implies that higher self-management skills can positively affect fatigue severity over time in PTLDS patients, however, the relationships between self-management and workability, mental health and pain are more complicated. This information can be used to form a basis to do experimental research into the efficacy of self-management interventions for fatigue in this group. In post-hoc analyses, self-management was found to correlate with these variables at the second measurement, meaning that higher self-management tended to coincide with better workability, mental health and pain outcomes. One major limiting factor for this study was the measurement of self-management. This study used a survey that measured self-efficacy surrounding self-management, but this leaves room for bias, specifically for the Dunning-Kruger effect. This is the bias where individuals with lower skill levels tend to rate their skills higher than people with higher skill levels.Show less
Many adolescents with psychiatric problems also experience somatic symptoms. Somatic symptoms are common, but often overlooked despite their strong interrelation with psychological problems and...Show moreMany adolescents with psychiatric problems also experience somatic symptoms. Somatic symptoms are common, but often overlooked despite their strong interrelation with psychological problems and their role in predicting mental illnesses. Early recognition and treatment of somatic symptoms in adolescent inpatients are crucial to prevent worsening symptoms, reduce healthcare costs, and improve long-term mental and physical well-being. Objective: This study investigated the prevalence of somatic symptoms and the relationship between self-reported somatic symptoms and key treatment outcomes within adolescent psychiatric inpatients, including psychological symptom reduction, treatment duration, and dropout. Method: Data were collected from 366 adolescent psychiatric inpatients (149 girls, 217 boys). Somatic and psychological symptoms were measured using the Youth Self-Report (YSR) and Symptom Checklist-Revised (SCL-90-R) at admission and discharge. Treatment duration was measured in days and two categories (dropout or completer) were distinguished within dropout. Results: At admission, 51.9% (SCL-90-R) to 57.3% (YSR) of all patients reported above average to very high amounts of somatic symptoms, with girls reporting higher amounts than boys. During treatment, somatic symptoms significantly decreased on the YSR (p =.009), but not on the SCL-90-R. Psychological symptoms showed significant reductions on both instruments (p < .001). More psychological symptoms were correlated with more somatic symptoms on both measures (rs(364) > .65, p < .001). While somatic symptoms were prevalent and closely tied to psychological symptoms, somatic symptoms at admission were not independently related to psychological symptom reduction, treatment duration and dropout. Conclusion: Adolescents with high levels of somatic symptoms at admission did not show worse treatment outcomes in terms of psychological symptom reduction, treatment duration, or dropout. Therefore, the presence of high somatic symptomatology should not be considered as a contraindication or barrier for psychiatric treatment, nor as a reason to withhold or delay care. Instead, the high prevalence of somatic symptoms at admission and discharge and the strong interplay between somatic and psychological symptoms emphasize the importance of addressing somatic symptoms alongside psychological symptoms in an integrated, holistic and multidisciplinary manner to optimize treatment outcomes. Further research into targeted interventions for managing these symptoms is needed. Keywords: Somatic symptoms, treatment effectivity, adolescent psychiatry.Show less
End-stage kidney disease (ESKD) patients suffer from an extremely lower Health-Related Quality of Life (HRQoL) than the general population. A way of supporting these patients is through internet...Show moreEnd-stage kidney disease (ESKD) patients suffer from an extremely lower Health-Related Quality of Life (HRQoL) than the general population. A way of supporting these patients is through internet-based cognitive-behavioral treatment (iCBT). This study aims to identify psychological variables that might impact the effectiveness of iCBT treatment within an ESKD patient group to provide suggestions for the further optimization of these interventions. This study investigated the association between self-efficacy and treatment outcome after an iCBT intervention together with the potential role of illness cognitions and the therapeutic relationship. The intervention group (N=8) followed a 3- to 4-month iCBT intervention. Secondary data analysis was performed on the prospective data of a two-arm multicenter randomized controlled superiority trial (RCT). To measure treatment outcome from baseline to the 6-month follow-up we examined physical and mental HRQoL and the personalized outcome measure. To measure the other variables, we used the data from the questionnaires on self-efficacy and illness cognitions at baseline and the therapeutic relationship at the 6-month follow-up. To examine the associations between the different variables within this study, hierarchical regression analyses were performed. In addition, we analyzed the possible moderating effects via the Hayes PROCESS extension. This was an underpowered study, so outcomes need to be interpreted with extreme caution. We found indications that a higher level of self-efficacy was associated with better physical HRQoL (ß = .48, p = .26). We also found indications that a higher level of helplessness was related to stronger deteriorations of mental HRQoL (ß = -.43, p = .65) and the personalized outcome measure (ß = -.31, p = .39). Lastly, we found significant moderating effects for acceptance (R²-chng = .59, p = .05) and helplessness (R²-chng = .71, p = .005) between self-efficacy and physical HRQoL. The outcomes of this study suggest that self-efficacy and helplessness are important factors to consider when aiming for the further optimization of iCBT interventions within an ESKD patient group. It seems that self-efficacy creates stronger resilience. Screening on these variables and enrolling patients into pre-treatment to positively impact these variables before iCBT can possibly better treatment outcomes.Show less
Psychological flexibility is characterised as an individual's capacity to accurately adjust behaviour and cognitions in face of obstacles. It has been acknowledged to influence coping strategies as...Show morePsychological flexibility is characterised as an individual's capacity to accurately adjust behaviour and cognitions in face of obstacles. It has been acknowledged to influence coping strategies as well as increase quality of life. Because migrants and religious individuals have been shown to cope differently with life stressors compared to non-migrants and non-religious people, it is pertinent to examine whether this also applies for psychological flexibility. As a result, this study investigated which potential role psychological flexibility has the association of migrant status and religiosity with quality of life. This online study was conducted in the Netherlands in 2022. This offered a unique opportunity to examine the mentioned link, as this occurred during the COVID-19 pandemic. The design of the study was cross-sectional, and the number of participants accumulated to 1610 (M age: 37.8, 69.0% females). Out of which 323 (20.1%) identified as migrants and 415 (25.8%) affirmed to be religious. The screening instruments which measured psychological flexibility and quality of life were the FIT18 and the RAND-SF-36. In reference to the later the composite dimensions of physical health-related quality of life (PQOL) and mental health-related quality of life (MQOL) were used. Regression analyses examining the association of migrant status with PQOL and MQOL yielded insignificant results, with (p=.203) and (p=.577), respectively. In like manner, was no evidence found of an association of religiosity with PQOL (p=.573) and MQOL (p=.392). There was further no substantiation for a moderation effect of psychological flexibility on the association of migrant status and religiosity with quality of life. The interaction between migrant status and psychological flexibility were non-significant for PQOL (p=.160) and MQOL (p=.651). The interaction between religiosity and psychological flexibility was also non-significant for PQOL (p=.487) and MQOL (p=.530). Similarly, was no mediation effect found of psychological flexibility on the association of migrant status and religiosity with quality of life. Nevertheless, was greater psychological flexibility associated with better physical (β=.337, p<.001) and mental quality of life (β=.695, p<.001). In conclusion, this study emphasised the pivotal relation of psychological flexibility to both physical and mental quality of life during distressing circumstances.Show less
Research master thesis | Psychology (research) (MSc)
closed access
Mobile applications with a virtual coach providing real-time relapse-prevention support may be useful to aid smoking cessation as they are easily accessible, cost-effective, and can be utilized...Show moreMobile applications with a virtual coach providing real-time relapse-prevention support may be useful to aid smoking cessation as they are easily accessible, cost-effective, and can be utilized directly in situations where the risk of relapse is high. This study aimed to examine the effect of three types of relapse-prevention support on tobacco craving to inform the development of a mobile application with a virtual coach. The three types of support focused on (A) motivation and self-efficacy; (B) one’s future self and implementation intentions; and (C) identity-related positive self-talk. Secondly, the study aimed to explore how physical nicotine dependence related to the effect of relapse-prevention support on tobacco craving. A virtual reality experiment with a within-participant design was conducted where 25 participants intending to quit smoking were immersed in a virtual high-risk-of-smoking environment. The participants had four conversations in a randomized order with a concept version of a virtual coach on a simulated mobile phone: three conversations containing a type of relapse-prevention support and one neutral conversation. Physical nicotine dependence was measured at baseline and craving was measured after each conversation. Participants indicated that they would find it reasonably difficult to refrain from smoking in the VR environment and sense of presence was sufficient. Results indicated that the relapse-prevention support did not decrease craving compared to neutral contact with the coach. Furthermore, no association was found between physical nicotine dependence and effect of relapse-prevention support. These results stress the need for evaluations of effectiveness in order to inform the further development and improvement of the relapse prevention support prior to finalizing a mobile application with a virtual coach.Show less
Outcome expectations play a role in the functioning of people with different immune-mediated conditions, like Bechterew’s disease, and could strengthen or convey similar effects of regular long...Show moreOutcome expectations play a role in the functioning of people with different immune-mediated conditions, like Bechterew’s disease, and could strengthen or convey similar effects of regular long-term therapy. The Wim Hof Method has shown promising results with regards to its effect on clinical, autonomic and immune response to experimentally induced inflammation. The current study aims to investigate the relationship between generic (optimism/neuroticism) and specific outcome expectations (related to training effects on health) with the functioning of patients with Bechterew’s disease. In this proof-of-concept randomized controlled trial with a cross-sectional design, 24 patients were included, who followed an adapted version of the Wim Hof Method. During this intervention, a number of areas of functioning variables were included: quality of life, anxiety, depression, and disease activity. These were measured at baseline, week 4, week 8, and a follow-up meeting at week 24. When assessing the relationship between generic and specific treatment outcome expectations, it was found that, higher levels of neuroticism are related more positive specific outcome expectations (r = .414, p = .044). It was seen that better functioning in one area was associated with better functioning in some other areas (r = .434, p < .001, r = .836, p < .001). Regarding the influence of each treatment outcome expectation separately on the different areas of functioning, neuroticism was associated with higher disease activity before and after treatment, as well as more anxiety before treatment (r = .470, p = .018, r = .567, p = .05, r = .253, p = .05). Optimism and specific treatment outcome expectations were not significantly related to functioning. Also, when the influence of baseline functioning was assessed, only the levels of depression before treatment were predictive for depression after treatment (beta = .714, p = .027). When treatment outcome expectations were taken together, they were not significant predictors for functioning after treatment. This study provides limited indications for the importance of treatment outcome expectations for alternative treatment methods. However, neuroticism plays a role in worse functioning and could be used to predict treatment response, and its influence could be addressed through neuroticism management.Show less
Een hogere score op Trait Mindfulness houdt verband met een beter welzijn. Psychologische flexibiliteit houdt ook een verband met een beter welzijn en met minder angst. Echter is niet bekend of een...Show moreEen hogere score op Trait Mindfulness houdt verband met een beter welzijn. Psychologische flexibiliteit houdt ook een verband met een beter welzijn en met minder angst. Echter is niet bekend of een hogere score op Trait Mindfulness ook een hogere score oplevert op psychologische flexibiliteit. Omdat studenten in de COVID- 19 tijd veel geïsoleerd hebben gezeten en veel angst hebben kunnen ontwikkelen, is het belangrijk dat naar een oplossing wordt gezocht om deze angst te verminderen. Het huidige onderzoek is een cross-sectioneel vragenlijstonderzoek en zal niet de oplossing geven, maar wel bijdragen aan de kennis wat tot een oplossing kan leiden. In dit onderzoek werd de relatie tussen Trait Mindfulness met flexibiliteit en angst voor negatieve evaluatie onderzocht. Aan dit onderzoek hebben 161 participanten, studerend aan het HBO of de Universiteit, meegedaan. Hogere scores op Trait Mindfulness hingen samen met hogere scores op flexibiliteit (r = -.76, p < .001), waarvan alle facetten van Trait Mindfulness, behalve ‘observeren’ significante voorspellers waren (F(4,156) = 125.17, p < .001, R2 = 0.762) en lagere scores op angst voor negatieve evaluatie (r = -.44, p < .001), waarvan de Trait Mindfulness- facetten ‘niet-oordelen’ en ‘non-reactief zijn’ significante voorspellers waren (F(2,158) = 36.30, p < .001, R2 = 0.315). Dit onderzoek toont aan dat Trait Mindfulness significant verband houdt met meer psychologische flexibiliteit en minder angst voor negatieve evaluatie. Met vervolgonderzoek kunnen er trainingen worden ontwikkeld om Trait Mindfulness onder studenten te verbeteren en hiermee ook psychologische flexibiliteit te verbeter en hiermee samen angst te verminderen.Show less
Placebos are a substance that do not have the qualities to create an effect on its own. Placebo effects are a well-known phenomenon in science and healthcare. However the positive effects of...Show morePlacebos are a substance that do not have the qualities to create an effect on its own. Placebo effects are a well-known phenomenon in science and healthcare. However the positive effects of placebo are not that well applied in healthcare. A reason for this may be that placebos are seen as a deception of a patient. When placebo is used to replace the actual medicine, then the acceptance to use this is very low with healthcare professionals (HP). However if the placebo is not a replacement but an addition to a working medicine the acceptability of HP’s is higher. The studies about the placebouse that have been done before are mostly focused on one type of placebo-use and do not make comparisons between different types of placebo-use. Another problem in placebo research is that the research of the placebo-effects are focused on one specialization, such as Cardiology. In this research the acceptability of eight types of placebo use within a specialization will be compared with each other, with the following research question: “To what extent does the acceptability of healthcare professionals for eight different types of placebo-use differ within their specializations in medical pediatrics?” The specializations in this research are, General pediatrics (HP’s work in a general healthcare department, or in four or more specializations), Cardiology and Neonatology. There are three RMA’s executed for answering this question. The results show that treatment-strengthening placebo music scores the highest acceptability, within all three specializations. Between the specializations there is no significant difference on acceptability (p = 0.984). This research has shown that HP’s have a high acceptability towards treatment-strengthening placebo-use.Show less
Placebos are a substance that do not have the qualities to create an effect on its own. Placebo effects are a well-known phenomenon in science and healthcare. However the positive effects of...Show morePlacebos are a substance that do not have the qualities to create an effect on its own. Placebo effects are a well-known phenomenon in science and healthcare. However the positive effects of placebo are not that well applied in healthcare. A reason for this may be that placebos are seen as a deception of a patient. When placebo is used to replace the actual medicine, then the acceptance to use this is very low with healthcare professionals (HP). However if the placebo is not a replacement but an addition to a working medicine the acceptability of HP’s is higher. The studies about the placebouse that have been done before are mostly focused on one type of placebo-use and do not make comparisons between different types of placebo-use. Another problem in placebo research is that the research of the placebo-effects are focused on one specialization, such as Cardiology. In this research the acceptability of eight types of placebo use within a specialization will be compared with each other, with the following research question: “To what extent does the acceptability of healthcare professionals for eight different types of placebo-use differ within their specializations in medical pediatrics?” The specializations in this research are, General pediatrics (HP’s work in a general healthcare department, or in four or more specializations), Cardiology and Neonatology. There are three RMA’s executed for answering this question. The results show that treatment-strengthening placebo music scores the highest acceptability, within all three specializations. Between the specializations there is no significant difference on acceptability (p = 0.984). This research has shown that HP’s have a high acceptability towards treatment-strengthening placebo-use.Show less
An effective way to reduce negative experiences such as stress, anxiety, and pain in hospitalized children is by implementing placebo applications. A placebo application is a procedure without...Show moreAn effective way to reduce negative experiences such as stress, anxiety, and pain in hospitalized children is by implementing placebo applications. A placebo application is a procedure without active elements that can elicit a positive treatment outcome. Despite its beneficial outcomes placebo applications are not frequently used in pediatric healthcare. Gaining insights in the opinions of healthcare providers on placebo applications will help to understand why placebo applications are not used frequently and offer suggestions to optimize usage. The aim of this cross-sectional observational study was to investigate whether the healthcare provider characteristics optimism, anxiety, and knowledge on placebos were associated with their opinions on the effectiveness, acceptability, and utilization of placebo applications. A differentiation is made between treatment-enhancing (e.g. music, Virtual Reality, comfort talk) and treatment-replacing (e.g. open treatment without active elements) placebo applications. Through an online questionnaire, data was collected from 121 healthcare providers (106 female, 15 male). Being more optimistic was negatively correlated with being less anxious (r = -0.43, p < 0.001). Multiple regression analyses showed that having more knowledge was associated with finding placebos applications more effective (β = 0.23, p = 0.012) and acceptable (β = 0.29, p = 0.001), but not with a higher utilization of placebo applications (p = 0.096). No significant associations were found of the amount of optimism and anxiety of healthcare providers with the opinions and use of placebo applications. Treatment-enhancing placebos applications were considered significantly more effective, acceptable, and utilized more often than treatment-replacing placebos (p-values < 0.001). The results of this study imply that more knowledge of placebos is associated with more positive opinions on placebo applications. The positive opinions and higher use of treatment-enhancing placebo applications indicate that implementing these in pediatric care is within reach. In this study, the reluctance to use placebos in pediatric care can be explained by the common assumption that placebo applications always replace the treatment, not knowing about the treatment-enhancing placebos that can be useful and ethically sound. It is recommended to offer education on treatment-enhancing and open treatment-replacing applications to examine if this increases use in pediatric care.Show less
Research master thesis | Psychology (research) (MSc)
closed access
Background: Between 10-15% of women have a pathological fear of childbirth. An expectation of fear might contribute to an actual fearful childbirth experience, which is known as a nocebo effect....Show moreBackground: Between 10-15% of women have a pathological fear of childbirth. An expectation of fear might contribute to an actual fearful childbirth experience, which is known as a nocebo effect. Likewise, positive thoughts about childbirth may lead to positive experiences, known as a placebo effect. Negative expectations surrounding childbirth mainly occurs in women who are known with anxiety and depression. As a result of these negative expectations, women could have a prolonged labor and obstetric complications which can evoke traumatic symptoms. The purpose of this study was to research whether there is a predictive association between positive or negative expectations surrounding childbirth and the experience of childbirth and whether this differs in women with or without psychiatric problems. This is relevant because most research on women’s expectations of childbirth are focused on fear of childbirth and its potential impact in medical aspects, whereas in this study the focus is on a broader expectation base, including positive expectations and also the subjective experience of childbirth. Methods: In this prospective study we included in total 150 women from both the Psychiatric Obstetric Pediatric (POP) outpatient clinics, a clinic for pregnant women with psychiatric vulnerability, and the general obstetric clinic, between January 2020 and January 2022. All participants filled in the Wijma Delivery Expectancy (version A at T1) and Experience (version B at T2) questionnaire after providing an informed consent. Also, all participants filled in the Hospital Anxiety and Depression scale (HADS) and the PTSS checklist for DSM-5 (PCL-5), to evaluate current psychiatric complaints. Results: The expectation surrounding childbirth was a significant predictor for the childbirth experience after controlling for parity and pain relief, p <.001, whereas positive expectations are related to a positive childbirth experience (placebo effect) and negative expectations are related to a negative childbirth experience (nocebo effect). This was not different for women with or without psychiatric problems, p =.841. Conclusions: Women’s negative and positive expectations of childbirth are related to the childbirth experience, showing indications for both a nocebo and placebo effect. These results can be important for future experimental research to see whether changing the expectation of childbirth in a positive way, could improve the experience of childbirth.Show less
Behandelversterkende en behandel-vervangende placebotoepassingen kunnen ingezet worden voor zowel acute als chronische aandoeningen bij volwassenen en kinderen. Behandelversterkende...Show moreBehandelversterkende en behandel-vervangende placebotoepassingen kunnen ingezet worden voor zowel acute als chronische aandoeningen bij volwassenen en kinderen. Behandelversterkende placebotoepassingen versterken een lopende medische behandeling terwijl behandel-vervangend een placebotoepassing is een op zichzelf staande behandeling. Om placebotoepassingen in te zetten in de pediatrische zorg is het belangrijk om te onderzoeken hoe ouders en zorgverleners tegenover placebotoepassingen staan. Ondanks een algemene positieve attitude is er nog weinig kennis over de acceptatie van placebotoepassingen onder ouders en zorgverleners en mogelijke verschillen tussen acute en chronische aandoeningen en behandelversterkende tegenover behandel-vervangende placebotoepassingen. In deze thesis is het verschil in acceptatie onderzocht van placebotoepassingen onder ouders en zorgverleners tussen pediatrische patiënten met een acute of chronische aandoening. Van 178 participanten waren er 28 ouders en 150 zorgverleners. Het onderzoek had een cross-sectioneel observationeel design. Bij geen van de acht placebotoepassingen was een verschil in acceptatie tussen acute en chronische aandoeningen. Onder zorgverleners werd de behandelversterkende (t(125) = -3.655, p < .001) en de behandel-vervangende (t(121) = -8.724, p < .001) placebotoepassing meer geaccepteerd voor chronische aandoeningen. Tot slot bleek dat er een significant verschil was tussen de acceptatie aan het begin en aan het eind van de vragenlijst bij zowel ouders als zorgverleners (t(19) = -2.949, p = .004; t(120) = -4.534, p < .001). Als er een vorm van misleiding gebruikt wordt bij de placebotoepassingen kan dit samengaan met een lagere acceptatie terwijl meer informatie over concrete placebotoepassingen samengaat met een hogere acceptatie van het inzetten ervan in de ziekenhuiszorg voor kinderen.Show less
Placebo applications could be a positive addition next to regular treatment in the pediatric health care. Previous studies have mainly focused on placebo applications as a replacement of regular...Show morePlacebo applications could be a positive addition next to regular treatment in the pediatric health care. Previous studies have mainly focused on placebo applications as a replacement of regular treatment and focus on adults despite the promising results for using placebo effects in pediatric care. Pediatric health care professionals and parents’ knowledge and opinions about the use of placebo applications could be related to placebo use in pediatric healthcare. To examine differences in and associations between placebo knowledge and expected effectiveness of potential placebo applications between healthcare professions and parents, an online questionnaire was used in 150 pediatric health care professionals and 28 parents of children who have undergone a medical procedure or treatment in the past year. Professionals had more knowledge about placebo effects than parents (t(176 =3.146, p =.002), and a higher expected effectivity, (t(147)=3.59, p<.001) of placebo effects than parents. More knowledge about placebo effects was associated with higher expected effectivity in both groups, which did not significantly differ between the two groups (z=1.79, p=.073, r(127)=.18, p=.047 (professionals), r(18)=.57, p=.009 (parents). The current study showed that knowledge and opinions on placebo effects are lower in parents than healthcare professions but are related in both groups. Future research could examine whether educating pediatric healthcare professionals and parents on placebo effects in child healthcare leads to more favorable opinions about placebo applications in pediatric care, allowing a larger use of non-invasive optimization strategies within child healthcare.Show less
Placebo-toepassingen in de pediatrie zijn schaars onderzocht en de kijk daarop vanuit zorgverleners is een belangrijke invalshoek. In deze studie is onderzocht welke kenmerken van placebo...Show morePlacebo-toepassingen in de pediatrie zijn schaars onderzocht en de kijk daarop vanuit zorgverleners is een belangrijke invalshoek. In deze studie is onderzocht welke kenmerken van placebo-toepassingen (behandelversterkend/behandelvervangend), het ziektebeeld (acuut/chronisch, oncologisch/cardiologisch/migraine), het kind (leeftijd en sekse) en de zorgverlener (kennis en gebruik van placebo-toepassingen) samenhangen met de acceptatie door drie typen zorgverleners (artsen/verpleegkundigen/medisch psychologen) van placebo-toepassingen in de medische pediatrische zorg. Een online vragenlijst is afgenomen onder 62 pediatrisch zorgverleners. De placebo-kennis van de zorgverleners was groot (M = 6.31; SD = 0.71), met een hogere kennis bij artsen dan verpleegkundigen (p = .04). De typen zorgverleners verschilden niet (p-waarden ≥ .07) in hun gemiddeld hoge acceptabiliteit (M = 8.23; SD = 1.09) en gebruik (M = 7.42; SD = 1.77) van behandelversterkende placebo-toepassingen. Bij een relatief laag gemiddeld gebruik van behandelvervangende placebo-toepassingen (M =2.23; SD = 2.63) gebruikten psychologen dit meer dan artsen (p = .04). Voor geen van de zorgverleners hing placebo-kennis en gebruik van placebo-toepassingen samen met acceptabiliteit (p-waarden ≥ .11). Behandelversterkende placebo-toepassingen werden voor alle ziekte- en kindkenmerken acceptabeler gevonden dan behandelvervangende placebo-toepassingen (p-waardes < .001). Placebo-toepassingen werden als acceptabeler gezien voor chronische versus acute patiënten (p < .001), migraine versus oncologische/cardiologische aandoening (p < .001) en meisjes versus jongens (p = .01). Concluderend laten deze voorlopige data in een kleine steekproef zorgverleners zien dat het type placebo-toepassing en ziekte- en kindkenmerken een verschil kunnen maken in acceptabiliteit. In vervolgonderzoek zou de redenatie van de zorgverleners achter dit verschil in acceptabiliteit kunnen worden onderzocht.Show less