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(1 - 20 of 106)


Curious and Confused Minds: Unravelling the Ideological Differences of Epistemic Emotions and their Effect on Selective Attention
Navigating Ideological Currents: The Influence of Political Extremity and Ideological Similarity on Curiosity and Confusion
The Effects of Childhood Scarcity on Cognitive Performance When Facing New Scarcity Conditions
Not what’s been said, but who said it.
The influence of social norms and culture on the collective action intentions of individuals with a migration background
How social norms shape collective action intentions among ideologically-extreme individuals from disadvantaged groups
Investigating possible (a)symmetries between Leftists and Rightists on the dimensions of cooperation and trust
The relation between agreeableness and conflict tactics in intergroup conflict
Worlds Apart
The Need for Affiliation as a Motivation to Inititate Conflict
Can’t we just get along? A n investigation into the symmetry of aggressive responses towards outgroup members by Liberals and Conservatives in a context neutral environment.
Does neuroticism explain ideological differences in antisocial behaviour?
How do stereotypes mediate the relationship between ideology and antisocial behaviour towards the out-group?
Childhood poverty and negative behavior towards outgroups in adulthood
Ideological differences in anti-social preferences against outgroups. Are the differences dependent on the level of political extremity?
The Motivation to Experience (seemingly) Ideology-Congruent Emotions
Political ideological differences in cooperation and inequality aversion
A context-free approach to political ideology and other-concern
