This thesis explores the research question: "To what extent will EU support for the Ukraine war influence European strategic autonomy on security in the world?" by examining the EU's political...Show moreThis thesis explores the research question: "To what extent will EU support for the Ukraine war influence European strategic autonomy on security in the world?" by examining the EU's political cohesion, industrial equipment and operational capabilities.Show less
In recent years, European Strategic Autonomy has become a buzzword hroughout European politics. Events like the election of Donald Trump in 2016 and the Russian war of aggression against Ukraine...Show moreIn recent years, European Strategic Autonomy has become a buzzword hroughout European politics. Events like the election of Donald Trump in 2016 and the Russian war of aggression against Ukraine have fueled the idea that Europe should become more independent regarding its defence policy. But was has actually been done in recent years to increase European Strategic Autonomy? The aim of this study is to analyze the Dutch contribution to European Strategic Autonomy, therefore the following research question was used: ‘How can the Dutch response to the Russian invasion of Ukraine support an increase in European Strategic Autonomy?’ Developing a conceptual model based on the idea of ‘actorness’, the study reasons that European Strategic Autonomy consists of four variables: political autonomy, institutional autonomy, capability autonomy and industrial autonomy. Using a combination of interviews and document research, the contribution of the Dutch Rutte IV government to each of those four variables is analyzed. The answer to the research question is that the Dutch response to the Russian invasion of Ukraine increased European Strategic Autonomy by increasing the political will to conduct autonomous European military operations, increasing Europe’s military capabilities and increasing the institutions through which to conduct such operations, while it did not significantly increase European Strategic Autonomy regarding the capabilities of its defence industry. The study’s conclusion holds some important policy implications. These include the need for the capabilities of the Dutch land forces to be considerably boosted in order to match NATO capability targets and spread burden and risk sharing more evenly throughout Europe and the transatlantic alliance. Furthermore, the findings make clear that a proper policy strategy and planning is crucial, as boosting individual variables of our model can actually harm the progress on other variables, which is the case with the Dutch government in which quick investments in capability autonomy damage development in industrial autonomy. Lastly, the study reviews that while changes in the variable political autonomy may occur rapidly, investments in institutional autonomy, capability autonomy and industrial autonomy requires proper planning and investment, which in turn requires a long-term strategy. Future research should focus on one or two variables of our model at a time, in order to gain deeper knowledge on how to best improve the different variables of the Dutch contribution to European Strategic Autonomy.Show less
Sinds de coronapandemie is het voor bedrijven en zijn werknemers lastig een balans te vinden tussen het thuiswerken en het op kantoor werken. De ANWB alarmcentrale heeft hier in coronaperiode ook...Show moreSinds de coronapandemie is het voor bedrijven en zijn werknemers lastig een balans te vinden tussen het thuiswerken en het op kantoor werken. De ANWB alarmcentrale heeft hier in coronaperiode ook last van gehad. Als alarmcentrale bleef de vraag naar arbeid hoog, maar moest het aanbod hiervan thuis plaatsvinden. Dit onderzoek richt zich op de ontwikkelingen van prestatiemanagement de afgelopen jaren binnen de ANWB alarmcentrale. De onderzoeksvraag luidt: ‘’In welke mate hebben de ervaringen met thuiswerken tijdens de periode van de coronapandemie geleid tot veranderingen in het prestatiemanagement bij de ANWB?’’. Door middel van kwalitatief, deductief onderzoek is er geprobeerd deze vraag te beantwoorden. Als databron zijn de jaarverslagen van de ANWB geanalyseerd. Deze informatie is aangevuld door afgenomen interviews met werknemers en teammanagers binnen de alarmcentrale. Uit dit onderzoek is gebleken dat de ervaringen met thuiswerken tijdens de coronapandemie hebben geleidt tot een verdere ontwikkeling van het prestatiemanagementsysteem. Voorheen was er weinig oog voor de werknemer en werd er voornamelijk op de output gelet. Door de toevoeging van kwalitatieve prestatie beoordelingen en het betrekken van de werknemer, werd het prestatiemanagement uitgebreider. Een uitgebreider prestatiemanagement heeft geleid tot een toename in de efficiëntie van de werknemers. De belangrijkste bevinding binnen de prestatiemanagement binnen de ANWB is het belang van interactie. De interactie is verantwoordelijk voor een effectief prestatiemanagementsysteem en leidt uiteindelijk tot meer saamhorigheid en productievere werknemers. Het is van belang dat de ANWB in de toekomst dit concept meeneemt in het opstellen van nieuw beleid.Show less
The EU Global Strategy, introduced in June 2016, aimed to enhance the Union’s security and defense cooperation amidst growing security threats and geopolitical changes. To achieve this, the EU...Show moreThe EU Global Strategy, introduced in June 2016, aimed to enhance the Union’s security and defense cooperation amidst growing security threats and geopolitical changes. To achieve this, the EU proposed Permanent Structured Cooperation (PESCO) as a practical mechanism. PESCO allows for a modular and differentiated approach, enabling EU member states to undertake security and defense cooperation projects independently. This research focuses on a project within PESCO, the PESCO Military Mobility project (MILMOB), which aims to support the achievement of full EU military mobility. It assesses MILMOB’s effectiveness and legitimacy from a Dutch perspective, using the framework developed by Lavenex and Križić (2022). They argue that institutional design and great power influence significantly impact these aspects. The analysis, based on interviews and document studies, found MILMOB to be both effective and legitimate from a Dutch perspective. Possible factors stimulating its effectiveness include internal and external great power influence and the potential for mutual learning. Possible factors stimulations its perceived legitimacy include the perceived organizational openness, a ‘’weak’’ regulatory dimension, and the project’s effectiveness. By examining these factors, and also considering those that might not have stimulated effectiveness and legitimacy, the research aims to provide a comprehensive understanding of the effectiveness and legitimacy of modular and differentiated approaches in EU security and defense policy, particularly within PESCO.Show less
Permanent Structured Cooperation (PESCO) is a defence and cooperation framework that has been largely overlooked for some time. However, considering the Russian invasion of Ukraine and potential...Show morePermanent Structured Cooperation (PESCO) is a defence and cooperation framework that has been largely overlooked for some time. However, considering the Russian invasion of Ukraine and potential shifts in U.S. foreign policy, the EU has decided to reconsider it to strengthen its Common Security and Defence Policy (CSDP). While scholarly attention on PESCO has predominantly focused on its role in furthering EU integration, there has been less emphasis on its operational potential to enhance the EU defence system. This thesis aims to address this gap by providing a strategic management analysis of how PESCO can be utilized to bolster the EU's defence posture. First, an overview of PESCO is provided, including its historical context and the reasons behind the EU's decision to revive this framework, concluding with the presentation of the research question. Second, the theoretical foundation is outlined, from EU integration theory by Haas to the selected framework by Moore, to analyse PESCO and the EU CSDP, addressing the research gap. This section also includes a literature review. Third, the methodology used in the research is detailed, involving a qualitative case study analysis through document analysis and interviews. Fourth, the data analysis and contributions from respondents are presented, culminating to answer the research question. Finally, the findings are discussed, suggesting topics for further research in the field and providing policy recommendations for EU member states and policymakers.Show less
The European Union has made great strides in integration in many areas. However, military cooperation is lagging behind. Various factors such as the war in Ukraine show that the EU must pull...Show moreThe European Union has made great strides in integration in many areas. However, military cooperation is lagging behind. Various factors such as the war in Ukraine show that the EU must pull together and not remain dependent on the US and NATO. The introduction of PESCO as an instrument appears to be a step towards strategic autonomy for the European Union’s defence entity. The aim of this research is to discuss PESCO and to what extent this instrument can lead to the European Union’s strategic autonomy. The following research question was therefore used: Will PESCO contribute to strategic autonomy for the European Union's defense and if so, why? Through interviews with various experts in the field of European military cooperation and document research, there is a high degree of coherence between the member states to expand military cooperation. This also has a positive effect on external events such as the war in Ukraine, making PESCO appear to be adaptive. However, the EU's presence has not yet reached that point and NATO is still mainly looked to when it comes to military cooperation. Despite of this PESCO has shown to be promising for the near future.Show less
This paper explores the nature of the EU Common Security and Defense Policy and its influence on the path to European strategic autonomy, which has increasingly become salient in EU politics in the...Show moreThis paper explores the nature of the EU Common Security and Defense Policy and its influence on the path to European strategic autonomy, which has increasingly become salient in EU politics in the past few years. Not only because of military escalation in the East or the instability in the European Neighbourhood with regard to migration, but upheaval in the structures we thought to be invincible as well: America and NATO, and Brexit. Unexpected changes don’t necessarily lead to instability when autonomy is guaranteed. How can this be achieved for the EU? After analysing said influence in four dimensions of European strategic autonomy, the reader is presented with the conclusion that the CSDP has only had a relatively small influence, and many problems with its DNA prevent the Union from taking the steps required to become self-sufficient in an increasingly hostile environment.Show less