Leiden University Student Repository

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(1 - 14 of 14)
Individual differences in threat expectancy type and strength and the influence on exposure treatment success in PTSD patients
The Effect of Two Script-Driven Imagery Procedures on Fear Expression in Survivors of a Stressful Event
Psychometric properties of the Posttraumatic Cognitions Inventory - 9 (PTCI-9) in a non-clinical trauma exposed sample
Evaluation of the psychometric properties of the 16-item Prodromal Questionnaire
Avoidance learning in patients with post-traumatic stress disorder and its relationship to symptom severity
De relatie tussen zelfwaardering en sociale angst: Depressie als mediator?
De relatie tussen emotionele verwaarlozing en sociale angstklachten onder studenten: Maakt gender een verschil?
De relatie tussen de mate van zelfwaardering en de mate van spreekangst onder manndelijke en vrouwelijke studenten
Tonic immobility during panic attacks
The relation between peer relationships, self-esteem and social anxiety symptoms