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(1 - 20 of 168)


Ancient Storage and AI
Network Analysis of Ottoman Pottery Across the Balkans and the Aegean
Homo erectus’ Environment Reconstruction
Cultures Colliding
The Messápios Plain after Antiquity
The Sheep, the Dog and the Vulture
The Tradition of Typology
Last dance at the Laschamps? A paleomagnetic study of the key Middle to Upper Palaeolithic transition site of Quinçay, France, and the potential of the Laschamps event as a geochronological marker in archaeology.
Quina technology and the late Neanderthals in North Europe
Revisiting the Biferno Valley
O tempora, O molars!: Investigating second molar stable isotope ratios of historical Dutch individuals from early medieval to early modern sites
Aphrodite’s Metamorphosis
The French connection
Foods from the Forest
One night with Venus, a lifetime with Mercury
Chipping away at the mystery of stones
Putting on the Uniform
Stable carbon, oxygen, and nitrogen isotope analysis of serially-sampled fossil tooth enamel from equid third molars from the Eemian site of Neumark-Nord 2, Germany.
Muddy Marvels
