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(1 - 20 of 205)


Multum non multa
The Opening of the Mouth ritual in the Middle Kingdom
Piety Versus Betrayal
The relationship between humans and dogs in Ancient Egypt
Xenophon: Language, style and vocabulary.
Retelling the Story of Decipherment
Ibidis interea tu quoque nomen habe
“I am lying”: Reception of Platonic and Aristotelian mimesis and fictionality in Lucian’s Verae Historiae
Lex iniusta non est lex
Jewish Laws of Purity in a Comparative Perspective: A Comparison between the Mishnah and the Dead Sea Scrolls
Knowledge Transfer from Presocratic Ideas to Eryximachus' Speech (Plato, 'Symposium' 185c4-188e4)
De emoties van Ariadne
Aromatics in Early Dynastic Girsu
Oedipus and Oh Dae-su
A Drive to Dominate
Dominae Perpetua et Cassandra
Xenophon's Farm
