Leiden University Student Repository

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(1 - 20 of 67)


Reading Water in Ancient Poetics
Wanted: Animal-Human/Human-Animal Dictionary
Unraveling the Urban Metaphor in the Virtual Realm
Unraveling the Urban Metaphor in the Virtual Realm
Maternal Grief in Seventeenth-Century English Poetry
Postdramatic Theatre and Tragedy in Squid Game
Queerfuturism and the Queer Good-Life Fantasy in Popular Fiction
Towards a grammar of utopia
Abjection, Desire and Bodies Subject Formation and Cultural Fascism in Sherzad Hassan’s The Yard and My Father’s Dogs
Tales for Treasure
Things Building Social Worlds
The Translation of Historical Experience
Racistische ridders en de reactionaire Renaissancevloot
“My only consolation — deep, dark, death-like solitude”
Of Gloves, Girdles, and Gilded Combs
Masculinities in Christina Reid's Plays
Speaking Law
Intervening Bodies: Disability, Queerness, and Crip Theory in Virginia Woolf’s On Being Ill, Mrs. Dalloway, and Orlando
'Shipping' China
