National identity can be seen as one of the most important factors in the construction and maintenance of a nation. Benedict Anderson emphasizes this importance in his theory of an “Imagined...Show moreNational identity can be seen as one of the most important factors in the construction and maintenance of a nation. Benedict Anderson emphasizes this importance in his theory of an “Imagined Political Community”, whereby a subconscious feeling of belonging is needed within a group in order to establish the existence and continuation of a nation. However, this feeling of belonging is not automatically established, but requires the help of several concepts that can define an identity. Language, culture and history can be seen as three overarching concepts that aid in the feeling of belonging, thereby aiding in the construction of a nation identity felt within a nation. Oftentimes, the state within a nation makes use of these concepts to further emphasize the way its population should feel connected to their nation, and thereby the state. However, while looking at Arab states, entire populations do not necessarily align with state-led views, allowing for the formation of minorities. Two such minorities within Arab states are the Swahili speaking Zinjibaris in Oman and the Nubians in Egypt. While differing in history, as the Zinjibaris have only been present in Oman since the 1960s, and the Nubians since the pharaonic era, each minority is still able to find themselves as minorities within an Arab majority. This thesis thereby focuses on the extent to which each of these minorities aligns themselves with the state-led views on national identity and that of the majority population of each respective country. Each of the minorities is able to negotiate and construct their national identities within the framework of state-led national identity formation in different ways. Keeping the concepts language, culture and history in mind, the Zinjibaris are able to find themselves in the state’s perspective of a culturally diverse Omani national identity. In contrast, the Nubians are not able to find themselves within the Egyptian state-led views of a religiously diverse country, whereby Nubian heritage preservation takes the primary role in the Nubian perspective of national identity. Thus, portraying the difference in the way minorities are able to feel a sense of belonging in their countries of residence.Show less
الشعر هو جزء كبير من الثقافة الفلسطينية و تم تطويره في القرن الأخير لشعر مقاوم بسبب احتلالات عدة للأراضي الفلسطينية. ظهر الشعر المقاوم في حولي عام 1920 م حيث كان يركز هذا الشعر على الأحداث التي جرت...Show moreالشعر هو جزء كبير من الثقافة الفلسطينية و تم تطويره في القرن الأخير لشعر مقاوم بسبب احتلالات عدة للأراضي الفلسطينية. ظهر الشعر المقاوم في حولي عام 1920 م حيث كان يركز هذا الشعر على الأحداث التي جرت بين الفلسطينيين ,الاحتلال البريطاني و المستوطنين الصّهاينة. من عام 1945 م ركّز هذا الشعر المقاوم على الحداد على الأشخاص و تخليد للمقاومين الفلسطينيين و ذلك بسبب وفاة أشخاص كثيرين في عام ما قبل النكبة و ما بعدها. من عام 1967م شكل الشعر المقاوم جزءا أساسيا من الشعر الفلسطيني و هنا لعب هذا النوع من الشعر دورا سياسيا أساسيا. في وقتنا الحاضر يتم استخدام أدوات التواصل الاجتماعي لنشر هذا الشعر المقاوم بشكل واسع و لإيصاله لأكبر عدد ممكن من الناس. مثلا على ذلك نرى أن تميم البرغوثي الشاعر الفلسطيني المصري الذي يعمل مع شركة آى جي بلس لنشر أشعاره على المنصات الرقمية و ذلك بدمج شعره برسومات و صور واقعية التي تحاكي الحاضر و الماضي و المستقبل مما يجعلوها سهلة للفهم و للاستقبال من قبل عددا كبيرا من الناس. و قد رأينا في شعر تميم البرغوثي كيف تم دمج الفكرة الشعرية برموز المقاومة الفلسطينية والحرية سواءً كان بالصور و السياقات المناسبة لإيصالها للناس بشكل أوضح. و هنا تم توضيح الجواب على السؤال المطروح في البحث: "كيف تم طرح رموز المقاومة و الحرية في الشعر الفلسطيني مع التركيز على شعر الشاعر تميم البرغوثي و انتشاره على منصات التواصل الاجتماعية؟" وهذا السؤال هو أساس البحث.Show less
This thesis analyzes the significance of Palestinian dress, particularly the keffiyeh and tatreez, as symbols of resistance and political identity within the Palestinian community. The research...Show moreThis thesis analyzes the significance of Palestinian dress, particularly the keffiyeh and tatreez, as symbols of resistance and political identity within the Palestinian community. The research begins by defining the key concepts: textile, clothing, costume, dress, and fashion, to clarify its roles and distinctions. It then explores the Ottoman Empire from the 18th century onwards to see how these concepts manifested in society. This builds a good framework to understand uses and transformations better in Palestine, as it was under Ottoman rule for 400 years. This historical framework allows for a detailed analysis into the transformation of Palestinian dress. By analyzing Palestinian dress and its historical transformations and contemporary relevance, the research reveals how the keffiyeh and tatreez function as powerful tools for self- expression and can also become a symbol of solidarity within both the international and Palestinian community. As both the keffiyeh and tatreez have gained international attention, the narrative has shifted from local to global. This research shifts the focus back to its local significance, as the local Palestinian narrative today often remains unseen. Through a case study that analyzes recent image material, the research seeks to understand whether the keffiyeh and tatreez are still relevant in shaping contemporary local Palestinian political identity. The results show that both pieces of political Palestinian dress continue to shape national pride and resistance through national and nostalgic dress, emphasizing its persistent power in the local context despite shifting narratives.Show less
در دوره ١٩٧٨-١٩٨٩ تبلیغات گرافیکی زیادی در افغانستان پخش شد. انقلاب ثور اُردی ِبھشت ١٣۵٧ »کھ بھ انقلاب آوریل نیز معروف است« یک کودتای نظامی »کمونیستی« بود کھ توسط حزب دموکراتیک خلق افغانستان انجام...Show moreدر دوره ١٩٧٨-١٩٨٩ تبلیغات گرافیکی زیادی در افغانستان پخش شد. انقلاب ثور اُردی ِبھشت ١٣۵٧ »کھ بھ انقلاب آوریل نیز معروف است« یک کودتای نظامی »کمونیستی« بود کھ توسط حزب دموکراتیک خلق افغانستان انجام شد. حزب دموکراتیک خلق افغانستان یک سیستم تک حزبی خودکامھ را ایجاد کرد و تلاش کرد یک برنامھ سوسیالیستی را بھ شیوه ای خشونت آمیز و سرکوبگرانھ اجرا کند. ھمراه با تھاجم و اشغال اتحاد جماھیر شوروی این امر منجر بھ ناآرامی ھای سیاسی و اجتماعی در جامعھ افغانستان شد - بخش بزرگی از مردم خود را از طریق بسیج توده ای در مقاومت افغانستان »مجاھدین« سازماندھی کردند کھ منجر بھ جنگ افغانستان شد. با این حال وجود یک اندیشھ ملی یا میھنی در جامعھ افغانستان »بھ ویژه در مناطق روستایی« مورد مناقشھ محققان مختلف است. ھدف این تحقیق تعیین میزانی است کھ تبلیغات گرافیکی توزیع شده توسط حزب دموکراتیک خلق افغانستان و مجاھدین بھ عنوان شاھدی بر آگاھی ملی مردم افغانستان است. بر اساس چارچوب روششناختی »تحلیل تبلیغاتی« در مجموع شش پوستر در سھ دستھ مختلف کھ برای جامعھ افغانستان اھمیت زیادی دارد، تحلیل شده است: نقش روستا و زراعت، موقعیت زنان و مسئولیت مردان بھ ترتیب تبلیغات گرافیکی نشان می دھد کھ چگونھ ایده ھای ملی و میھنی بھ وجود آمده اند و چگونھ این دیدگاه ھا تشویق می شوند. نتایج نشان می دھد کھ ناسیونالیسم یک مفھوم ھمگن نیست و اشکال مختلف ناسیونالیسم از جملھ ناسیونالیسم مسلمان ضد استعمار واقعاً در افغانستان وجود داشتھ است. ھمچنین می توان نتیجھ گرفت کھ ناسیونالیسم عامل توسعھ یافتھ و قوی در وجود و شکل گیری ھر دو حزب بوده است. بر این اساس، توصیھ میشود تحقیقات منتشر شده قبلی را مرور کنید. تحقیقات بعدی بالقوه می تواند بر گسترش تحلیل بھ ویژه در مورد مجاھدین متمرکز شود زیرا تبلیغات گرافیکی توزیع شده در مقایسھ با تأثیر قابل توجھی کھ این تبلیغات بین سال ھای -١٩٧٨-١٩٧٩ داشتھ است بھ اندازه کافی مورد بررسی قرار نگرفتھ است.Show less
An article by Cameron Mann suggests that the stories of King Arthur and the Arabian Nights are very similar in origin and development. According to Mann, The religious aspects of both stories would...Show moreAn article by Cameron Mann suggests that the stories of King Arthur and the Arabian Nights are very similar in origin and development. According to Mann, The religious aspects of both stories would also be similar. The goal of this thesis is to see if Mann was right. The research question is therefore: what is the role of religion in the stories of King Arthur and the Arabian Nights? The thesis consists of three parts. First a comparison of the origins of both stories, to see if they are actually similar. The second chapter is a deep-dive into the religious elements in the story of King Arthur and their role they play. This will be done by examining different authors, who added different christian elements depending on their historical context. The final chapter is about the islamic elements in the Arabian Nights and how these elements reflect the society of the time the stories were told. The conclusion is that both stories were created in completely different contexts and also that the role of the religious elements are not as similar as Mann suggested.Show less
In this thesis, the emergence of "Muslim environmentalism" as a response to the limitations of secular humanism in addressing contemporary environmental challenges is explored. The author argues...Show moreIn this thesis, the emergence of "Muslim environmentalism" as a response to the limitations of secular humanism in addressing contemporary environmental challenges is explored. The author argues that Islamic epistemology provides an valuable expansion on existing epistemic values in order to prevent further anthropocentrism. While Islamic ethical principles, particularly the concept of trusteeship (amana), provide a solid foundation for environmental stewardship. The research suggests a revision of the epistemic values and thus environmental ethics overal, inspired by Abdurrahman Taha's trusteeship paradigm. This thus entails critiquing existing frameworks, delving into Taha's epistemology, examining the practical implications, and specific applications to environmental issues.Show less