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  • (-) = Literary Studies (MA
  • (-) ≠ Bergh, Carmen
  • (-) = Liebregts, P.T.M.G.

Search results

(1 - 20 of 24)


Dreams of a Better Life: Hope in T. S. Eliot's The Waste Land (1922), W. B. Yeats's The Tower (1928), and Ezra Pound's Eleven New Cantos (1934)
Correcting the Narrative
Robots as morally superior slaves across two literary case studies
A Change of Dominant in Rushdie's Recent Fiction
Brexit-Tales from a Divided Country: Fragmented Nationalism in Anthony Cartwright’s The Cut, Amanda Craig’s The Lie of the Land, and Jonathan Coe’s Middle England
Classical Reception in Ralph Ellison's Invisible Man and Toni Morrison's Song of Solomon
Deconstructing Femininity: Violence and Madness in Angela Carter's Novels
"Those Crazy White People": Racial Passing in Contemporary Literature and Film
Solitude, Sociality and Self-Concept in 'Mrs Dalloway' and 'Good Morning, Midnight'
The Function of the Mirror Image in the Perception of the Self in Virginia Woolf’s Fiction
"The Attempt was All": Trauma and the Quest to Articulate the Unspeakable in Ian McEwan's Novels
Joyce's ambivalence towards Ireland's sacred cows.
The Mask of Madness: Examining the Link Between Madness and Self-Expression in Contemporary Literature
Brainy is the New Sexy: Masculinity in Sherlock Holmes
Signs of Coping Signs of Trauma
