Leiden University Student Repository

Search results

(21 - 40 of 74)


Ready or not: The lack of government and opposition mediation readiness in mediations for the Syrian conflict
NATO's militarisation of cybersecurity
European Union sanction policy: A display of norms or interests?
The democratic boundary problem and secession: Rethinking the democratic right to secede
The impact of oil on state capacity in Venezuela under Hugo Chavez
Defending democracy against itself: How democracy can remain resilient in the twenty-first century
What explains Russia's increased usage of their veto in the United Nations Security Council
A greenhouse for growth: State-business relations in the Kenyan floriculture industry
China and UNCLOS: An inconsistent relationship
The LGBTQ+ NATION: Transnational identity and the nation (al)-state
European trade policy: Balancing liberal and protectionist preferences
Van beweging tot redelijk alternatief: Verkiezingsnederlagen en partij verandering bij Democraten 66
The effects of news media reporting about fake news on trust in media en politicians
China's flexigemonic approach and non-interference in South Sudan
