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  • (-) ≠ Spirova, M.

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(1,041 - 1,060 of 1,110)


Een studie naar de demonstratievrijheid voor rechts-extremisten
The Effect of a Leader's Voice and Face on Leadership Perceptions, Examining the Impact of Facial Dominance and Voice Pitch
@MP_Communication: An investigation into the use of communication tools by Members of Parliament when corresponding with constituents in the United Kingdom
Omgevallen: Duurzaamheid van Coalities in Nederlandse Gemeenten
Fashion Rules?
Angry Voters: The Influence of Anger on Voting Behavior in the Netherlands
Understanding China's Trade Legal Reforms In The Backdrop of WTO - A Cross-National Study
Youth Interests, Party Manifestos and the Media
Fractieafsplitsingen in de lokale politiek: De relatie tussen partij- en gemeentekenmerken, en de kans op fractieafsplitsingen
Libya: The EU’s failure to act in concert. Analyzing the interests of France, the UK, Germany and Italy
Conflicts in the polder; How ministers and top civil servants collide
Jong Geleerd... De invloed van politieke jongerenorganisaties op hun moederpartijen
Predictoren van stemintenties van Hindoestaanse jongeren in Nederland
Negativity and Press-Party Parallelism: Levels and Patterns of Negativity in the Newspaper Coverage of Greek Parliamentary Elections
Political Trust During The Sovereign Debt Crisis
Knowledge about the European Union and its predictors in twenty-five European Countries
The Dutch Slavery monument
