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(321 - 337 of 337)


Why the detention of asylum seekers is unjustified
For Your Eyes Only: Unfolding the Modern Right to Privacy
The Application of the Diversionary Theory in the Imia/Kardak Crisis
The Impact of Ethnicity and the Legacy of Civil War on Degrees of Membership in the European Union:  The Cases of Bosnia i Herzegovina, Serbia and Croatia
A Liberal Treatment of Illiberal Minorities
Democratic Accountability and Foreign Policy: A Matter of Issue Salience in Public Opinion
The Lighthouse of Conscience: A Defense of Liberal Toleration against Appeals to Personal Autonomy
African States in the Conflict of Interests Between China and the EU
On Phronetic Political Judgement
Expert Knowledge in European Informational Lobbying: The (im)balance of Interest Representation
Conditionality through Vague Policy. The limited Role of the European Union in Anti-corruption Policy
Objective Morality and Assimilation
@MP_Communication: An investigation into the use of communication tools by Members of Parliament when corresponding with constituents in the United Kingdom
Ballistic Missile Defense Resource Extraction in the Netherlands
A Rebel's Friend? A Case Study of Conflict Diamonds and Conflict Timber
Interorganizational Coordination in Peacebuilding: the Case of Bosnia and Herzegovina
