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(41 - 60 of 329)


Context matters: Differences between Jordan and Lebanon in providing Syrian Refugee Education
Riding the Populist Wave: Analysing the Impact of Populist Victories on Political Party Discourse
Political strategic silence and social movements: understanding how Bolsonaro’s silence  mobilized a post-electoral social movement in Brazil
Inclusive rebel governance: The influence of lootable resources on governing civilians during conflict
Supporting the likeminded? A study on how political parties react to protest.
Militant Democracy Revisited
‘To Condemn or Not to Condemn: Comparing the Responses of the Organisation for Islamic Cooperation to the Rohingya and Uyghur Genocides’
The Digital Panopticon: Examining the Impact of Digital Surveillance on Public Protest in Authoritarian Regimes
Hibernica Sententia: Attitudes Toward the European Union in Rural Ireland
Detrás de las Formas: Why do some feminist movements resort to violence? A Case Study of the Ni Una Menos Movement in México
The water scarcity – forced migration nexus in the MENA region
Electoral Politics in Ukraine`s plural society: centrifugal elites competing for median voters
Racism and International Security: A Critical Analysis of the White Savior Complex in Foreign Policy
A 'Moroccan Problem' or a 'Dutch Problem'?
Who makes the news? The impact of the EU media strategy on bias in the Serbian media landscape
Unpacking the Drivers of Unconventional Political Participation in Turkey
Mobilizing on contested issues
Pastoralist-Farmer Mediation in Burkina Faso
Open Access Land Tenure and Ethnic Conflict
