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Search results

(61 - 80 of 337)


Racism and International Security: A Critical Analysis of the White Savior Complex in Foreign Policy
A 'Moroccan Problem' or a 'Dutch Problem'?
Who makes the news? The impact of the EU media strategy on bias in the Serbian media landscape
Unpacking the Drivers of Unconventional Political Participation in Turkey
Mobilizing on contested issues
Pastoralist-Farmer Mediation in Burkina Faso
Open Access Land Tenure and Ethnic Conflict
The Conquest of Grain: Multinational Corporations in the Global Food Security Regime - A Neo-Gramscian Perspective
The partnership between European neutral states and NATO beyond the usual suspects
Governing migration: ‘Real trauma’ and the politics of therapeutic relationships
The Impact of the European Union Election Observation Missions  on Strengthening Election Quality
A case study of intergenerational transmission of conflict memories and exclusionary attitudes against ethnic and religious minority groups in Bangladesh
Frontex and Maritime Security in the Mediterranean Sea
Human rights violations for sale
Increase of tensions as the result of security dilemma dynamics: A qualitative study of Cross-Strait relations
BoerBurgerBeweging: geen wolf in schaapskleren
Framing a pandemic: How the political affiliation of British newspapers influenced their news coverage of the Covid-19 crisis
Felonious Financing
