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  • (-) = Faculty of Governance and Global Affairs
  • (-) ≠ Breeman, G.E.
  • (-) = 2019

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(1 - 20 of 769)


Effect van stortbelasting op mate van gestort, verbrand en gerecycled huishoudelijk afval in de EU
Crashing Share Value
Changes in Twinning
Brexit Means Brexit
The Euro-crisis and the social policies of Portugal: What policy lessons can be learned?
Prestatiemeting binnen het lager onderwijs
Een prik(kel) om te verbeteren
Concerning the assessment of sousveillance as a means to hold police accountable
Fragmentation in emergency response operations
De bedoeling en regels, gaan deze samen?
Bridging the distance to the labour market
Putin’s Pravda
The impact of the business cycle on ALMP effectiveness in the EU
