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(15,301 - 15,320 of 18,401)


'Openbaare vijanden'. Het beslechten van oproeren en een burgerlijk conflict in Holland, 1747-1751
Crossing Cultural Borders: The Construction of a Jewish American Identity in The Promised Land, Yekl, and The Rise of David Levinsky
Dining with the Irish
Exceptionally Ineffective - AIDS Exceptionalism in United States' ODA
The origins and functioning of Japanese revisionist nationalism and its impact on the East Asian dynamics of power.
A critical assessment of the political attitudes towards Arab refugees in Saudi Arabia since the 1970s
Media Coverage of Terrorism. NOS, CNN and France24 on the Charlie Hebdo Attacks.
The 2014-2015 Ebola Outbreak and Global Health Security
Pan theism and Green Jesus:  A Syncretism between Paganism and Christianity  in Burnett’s The Secret Garden.
Sectarianism in the Lebanese and Syrian Civil War
Re-shaping the 'salaryman' image: The waning of  Japan’s hegemonic male role model
Remplod; Keuze tussen migratie of ontwikkeling
Preservation And Peace In The Korean DMZ: The Need For A Different Approach
Presidential Foreign Policy Decision-Making: Obama and the Compromises on Afghanistan
Digital academia: the decline of the monograph, the rise of digital in academic publishing and the consequences for academic culture
Digital Representations of the Material: The Medieval Manuscript in the Digital Medium
Expressing sentiment in the women's script
Code-Switching within the Noun Phrase: Resolving Papiamento-Dutch Conflicts
Just Tweet It! Language Choices on Social Media by Luxury Goods Companies
