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(15,441 - 15,460 of 19,387)


Production, Reproduction, Cultivation and Preservation: Representation of Gender Dynamics in North Korean Posters
Through the photographic lens: the sublime ruins of Tōhoku. Japanese photographers visualizing disaster
Democratization, Elites & Social Spending. A Comparative Analysis of Social Spending in Indonesia and the Philippines.
De verandering van parlementair toezicht op de Amerikaanse inlichtingen- en veiligheidsdiensten
The acquisition of the “voicing” distinction in Dutch fricatives
South Korea's Multiculturalism - The State, Migration and Contested Ethnonationalism
Hannibal. Karakterschets in Livius' Ab urbe condita en Florus' Epitomae
Emancipation, Regulation, Collaboration; how the First World War changed the Dutch book trade
Plath, Bachmann, and the Autobiographical Prose of the Ordinary
Ende hoorden si den leeu brieschen. De lange adem van de Brabantse identiteit: Jan van Heelu in het Brusselse stadsarchief
Dyslexia Across Borders: A Comparative Study of L1 and L2 Dyslexia in Japanese
Starring Absence. The Intersection of Gender, Blank and Metatheatricality in Plautus's Casina
Statelessness in Libya before and after the fall of Qadhafi
Vervolging en verzet, de niet-geregistreerde baptistengemeenten en de verhouding tussen staat en religie in de Sovjetunie, 1965-1991.
Droom, toekomstperspectief of een nieuw politiek concept? De verkiezingscampagne van de Democratische Partij van Volkeren (Halkların Demokratik Partisi) met de jongeren in het vizier.
Territoriale soevereiniteit: Falkland Islands versus Malvinas? Analyse van de juridische regels over de economische exploitatie van natuurlijke hulpbronnen
From the god. Aelius Aristides' pilgrimages in the Hieroi Logoi.
Nous sommes la France: France's foreign policy discourse and behaviour towards the Syrian civil war
The Lizzie Bennet Diaries; Modernizing Pride and Prejudice in the Twenty-first Century
Lustful Love and Atrocious Angst: The Affective Operations of the Comedia Nueva and Senecan-Scaligerian Playwriting in Amsterdam 1617-1672
