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(15,341 - 15,360 of 18,458)


Preservation And Peace In The Korean DMZ: The Need For A Different Approach
Presidential Foreign Policy Decision-Making: Obama and the Compromises on Afghanistan
Digital academia: the decline of the monograph, the rise of digital in academic publishing and the consequences for academic culture
Digital Representations of the Material: The Medieval Manuscript in the Digital Medium
Expressing sentiment in the women's script
Code-Switching within the Noun Phrase: Resolving Papiamento-Dutch Conflicts
Just Tweet It! Language Choices on Social Media by Luxury Goods Companies
‘Wann ist die Stimme brüchig geworden?’ Christa Wolfs vroege literaire werken (1961-1969) in hun historische context
The evolution of the role of the cataloguer: past, present, and future
Attitudes towards Foreign Language Use and Perceptions of L2 Speaker Identity in Modern Lithuania
The Impact of Hong Kong on Margaret Thatcher's Racist Vietnamese Refugee Policy
Prosodisch oefenmateriaal voor Lorre
The Baetican oil boom and decline: Production, Export, Regulation and Stagnation between the 1st and 3rd century AD
Interplay of Institutional ambitions and Defence Industrial interests in the process of Lobbying for Research Funds
Les tags interrogatifs en français – Cela se discute, n’est-ce pas ?
The Performing Identity of the Canary Islands: Amazigh Heritage Influences in the Artistic Production
Disciplinehandhaving op het Nederlandse slavenschip
Homage to a queer body: The Destruction Performance Art of Ron Athey and Kris Grey
“Meeting Violence with Violence”: Robert F. Williams & de Afro-Amerikaanse Burgerrechtenbeweging
