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  • (-) = Faculty of Humanities
  • (-) ≠ History: Societies and Institutions (research) (MA
  • (-) ≠ Burger, Peter
  • (-) = 2021

Search results

(1 - 20 of 2,022)


The question of Indo-European ornithomancy
Intruding Influences: The Imperial Chinese Tributary System and Ryukyuan Concepts of Legitimate Rule
Dysfunctional Queer Spaces in The Fox and The Well of Loneliness
The strategic implications of the Maritime Silk Road
The Tet Offensive: A Critical Examination of Media Coverage in Changing Public  Opinion During the Vietnam War
How An Interface Can Offer Visitors Access To Digitized Museum Collections
Het schilderij Die Geburt Christi
Caesar: held of oorlogsmisdadiger?
Beyond the Monster: Fears in The Host (2006) and Gojira (1954)
Negotiating different valuations of our surroundings
From Occupation to Transformation
At the Crossroads of European Integration and Decolonization: The OEEC and the Management of European Overseas Territories
On the Arrival of the Economic Missionary
Cambridge as a Case Study of Local Abolitionism: 1781-1803
La lengua en las redes sociales como símbolo de unificación y manifestación
Evaluating the ideology of universal emperorship in the foreign policy of the Former Han dynasty
The Meaning of Death for Life
