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(61 - 80 of 1,830)


De opkomst van een nieuw journalistiek genre: Hoe de doelgroep van NOS op 3 de digital longform ervaart.
An American Caledonia? The Migrants of the Darien Project
Great kings, little kings en de Verenigde Oost-Indische Compagnie: Een kijk op de relaties in en rond het gesegmenteerde Cochinse rijk in de periode 1725-1750
Negatieve feiten: een verdediging
Private Initiatives in International Diplomacy. The Rijkens Group and the West New Guinea Dispute 1949-1962
Energy Diplomacy as a Form of Soft Power: The Rise and Fall of Brazil’s Ethanol Diplomacy in Africa
Cannabis Regulation in Uruguay: Reducing Harm and Improving Security?
Kindermoorden in de krant. Het discours van Nederlandse kranten over kindermoord, 1930-2015
The Complexity of Uncovering Religiosity in the Netherlands
Signs of Coping Signs of Trauma
Migration Control. How did the Dutch Government react to Surinamese Migration During Decolonization, 1974-1980?
Heavy Metal under Scrutiny: The Controversial Battle for the Protection of America’s Youth
The Treatment of Time in Cinema: A Case Study of Cinema of Long Take, Tsai-Ming Liang’s Stray Dogs (2013) and What Time Is It There? (2001)
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Social justice of the Maya people in the Guatemalan education system
Filming the Past
Responsibility to protect, a norm in decline. The discursive shift after Libya
The Nation-building Operation in Libya: A Two-sided Critique on Incapable Nation-builders and on the Claims of Postmodern Imperialism that Surround the Intervention
