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  • (-) = Faculty of Humanities
  • (-) ≠ Oude culturen van de mediterrane wereld (Bachelor
  • (-) = 2013
  • (-) ≠ Yoshioka, K.

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(181 - 194 of 194)


Een levenslange worsteling met de Duits-joodse identiteit
Faith and Virgil on the Fifth of November. Milton’s use of the Aeneid in In Quintum Novembris
“You Can’t Be Neutral on a Moving Train”: What Pearl Jam’s Tour Schedules Tell Us about the American Concert Industry
Marketing E-Books. Understanding consumer value
From Double to Mestiza Consciousness: Identity Politics in Du Bois, Anzaldúa and Cisneros
Food for Thought: Food Practices, Identity and Memory in Post-Civil Rights Era Southern Literature
How did it come about that South African unconventional units, which were successful in many battles, were unable to turn their victories into political success during the South African Border War 1966 - 1989?
Winnaar en Verliezer, De reputaties van Thomas Stamford Raffles en Nicolaus Engelhard naast elkaar gezet
Die Rolle der Bibel in der Lyrik von Heiner Müller
A Survey of the Phonotactic Constraints on the Onset of the Syllable in English
