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(1 - 20 of 324)


Sustainable Initiatives in Material Realms: Curating Fashion and Textile Exhibitions in Museums for Environmental Advocacy
Restoring and Preserving Authenticity in Digital Reproductions
Eyes Speak
The Art of Criticism
Pinpointing Petroleum
Curating Diversity
The Feminist Function of Affects
Structuring Sensations
The FAIR-est of them all
Abraham Delfos
Queer Perspective and Coastal Idylls
From Local to Global
Alternative Art Spaces as Multispecies Urban Collaborators
From Gods to tourists: A new audience for Huichol art
Through hills and mountains towards the Italian sun
Caravaggio Research: A Critical Journey through Six Decades of Art Historical Inquiry (1951-Present)
Patriotse en prinsgezinde ambachtslieden in Den Haag in de periode 1780-1800
