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(81 - 100 of 324)


Pronouns, politeness markers and gender/sexual identity in Thai
Metaphor and Culture: A Comparison Between English and Chinese Metaphor Use
The Perceived Relative Importance of Social and Phonetic Variables That Affect Second  Language Acquisition
The question of Indo-European ornithomancy
Korean TripAdvisor complaints
Coronametaforen en drogredenen
A study of the consequences of language policy on language use and bilingualism in Paraguay
Gain Shift in the Nested Hierarchies of Language
Perception of the English word-final obstruent voicing contrast by native speakers of Dutch and Farsi
Ambiguous Sentence Processing Hyper-active Gap Filling and the Garden Path Model
Present Reduplication in Indo-European
Connectives in Spontaneous and Semi-Spontaneous Speech of Dutch children with SLI
A New Approach to Japanese ‘Non-Canonical Constructions’: Disentangling Fifty Years of Japanese Subject
English and Sranan modals in simple sentences
Noun Classifiers in Dutch Sign Language - A Corpus Study
Greek and Gothic Compounds
Rondreisbrochures: een tekstanalyse
Tyapa or Chapa, What is my Cat’s Name?
The Taita Cushites revisited
The effect of explicitness of instruction and language knowledge on adults’ ability to learn an artificial grammar
