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  • (-) = Faculty of Social & Behavioural Sciences
  • (-) ≠ Research master thesis
  • (-) ≠ Beurs, E. de
  • (-) ≠ Schuitema, I.

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(121 - 140 of 21,486)


Optimalisatie van MRI modellen voor het onderscheiden van Alzheimer’s Disease subtypen
From Kindness to Connection
Understanding the Interaction Between Self-Esteem, Attachment Styles, Social Feedback Sensitivity and Feedback Expectation
Complexer dan gedacht: De invloed van steun vanuit vrienden op de relatie tussen steun vanuit ouders en depressie symptomen bij adolescenten
The course of executive functioning in pediatric non-CNS oncology patients in the first two years after diagnosis
The association between academic stress and the severity of depressive symptoms among students:
Navigating the Digital Frontier: Exploring the Role of Personal Factors in Shaping Intentions towards Digital Tools for Brain Health amidst the Alzheimer's Pandemic
From Small Talk to Big Impact
Voorspelling en Moderatie in Besluitvorming over Raadsonderzoek bij Scheiding van Ouders  en Conflicten Binnen het Gezin
Prosocial behavior as mediator on the association between empathy and close friendships throughout adolescence
Wat betekent samen dansen voor de positieve band tussen ouder en kind?
Financial stress and avoidance behaviour
Op weg naar een Succesvol Dieet
Social-emotional influences on pro-environmental dietary choice in young adults
Validation of the Dutch version of the Mini-Linguistic State Examination (MLSE-NL) for  the diagnosis of Primary Progressive Aphasia
The effects of a placebo manipulation on defensive responses to threat
Enhancing Support for Informal Caregivers in Palliative Care Settings in the Netherlands: Effect of the ON2 Intervention
