Leiden University Student Repository

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  • (-) ≠ Hosli, M.O.

Search results

(1 - 20 of 562)


Evaluation of the CAPS-5 in refugee patients with a non-Western background
Relations between adverse childhood experiences and comorbid psychopathology in youth with a substance use disorder
Six-year trajectories of core depressive symptoms and insomnia symptoms in depressed older adults
Relationships Between Autistic Adolescents’ Self-Perceived Social Competence And Their Future Expectations On The Romantic And Self-Development Domains
Passing on the kindness
Childhood Maltreatment and Eating Disorders: A meta-analysis update
Victimized Volumes: Relation Between Bullying Victimization and Fusiform Gyrus, Amygdala and vmPFC Volume over Time
The Effects of Transcutaneous Vagus Nerve Stimulation (tVNS) and Mindful Acceptance on Pain Perception: an EEG Study
The Empathic Path to a Green Generation:  investigating Empathy as a Catalyst for Pro-Environmental Behavior in Children
The Failure to Speak of Young Children with Selective Mutism: A Longitudinal Study of Psychophysiological Arousal During a Social Stress Task
From being hurt to harm: A multilevel meta-analysis on the relation between child maltreatment experiences and sexual offending behavior
Exploring the Role of Excitation Inhibition Balance on Centre Surround Inhibition
Differential Effects of Cognitive Load and Deep Brain Stimulation on Dual-Task Performance in Parkinson’s Patients
Experienced child maltreatment and violent juvenile delinquency: The role of working memory and social information processing
Ambiguity? In this Economy? Testing the Effects of Information about Audit Probability on Compliance
Puberty and internalizing symptoms: examining the mediating role of adolescent brain development
Action Anticipation Based on Mental State Attribution in Adults
