Leiden University Student Repository

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  • (-) = Faculty of Social & Behavioural Sciences
  • (-) ≠ Cranenburgh, O.B.R.C. van
  • (-) ≠ Saptari, R.
  • (-) = 2015

Search results

(1,621 - 1,640 of 1,719)


Color-object interference in children: An investigation of broad and narrow stimulus variation
Marijuana, ADHD and Offense Severity: A study of incarcerated adolescent males in The Netherlands
Culture of honour, social norms and revenge, are they all related?
In-group love and out-group hate over common resources.
Cognitive coping mechanisms and symptoms of anxiety and depression
Het effect van een compliment op coöperatief gedrag bij personen uit een eercultuur vs. waardecultuur
The (un)willingness to punish and reward
The effect of decision timing on the willingness to reward cooperation.
De samenhang tussen gepest worden en het zelfbeeld van de leerling en de invloed die de leerkracht hierop heeft
Series completion in second grade children with and without severe language impairment
The effects of stress and tVNS on cognitive flexibility
A neurovisceral approach to stress and delayed heart rate variability recovery
The role of the basal ganglia in decision threshold modulation
The effect of apology on forgiveness and retaliation in dignity culture and honor culture
China and Arctic governance: Inclusiveness as a gateway into effective Arctic governance
Invloed van micro gedragingen op afwijzing van spreekangstige adolescenten
