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  • (-) = Faculty of Social & Behavioural Sciences
  • (-) ≠ Ham, C.J.M. van der
  • (-) ≠ Ragazzi, F.P.S.M.
  • (-) ≠ Pedagogische wetenschappen (BSc

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(16,101 - 16,120 of 19,717)


Levenservaringen en levenstevredenheid: de rol van Facebook en neuroticisme.
De correspondentie tussen objectieve en subjectieve nervositeit bij adolescenten met spreekangst
Emotion awareness and emotion regulation in children with specific language disorders
Aggressive behaviour in young children: associations with precursors of theory of mind, language, mother’s risk profiles and their parenting style
De effecten van mindfulness meditatie op Brain-Computer Interface prestatie
Structure choices in relative clauses: Production,comprehension, or both?
Why so angry? The effects of expressed emotions by constituents on representative negotiation behavior
No effect of transcutaneous vagus nerve stimulation on the P3 and P600 event-related potential components
ERPs and Stop Task performance as possible predictors for the response to methylphenidate in children with ADHD
Spreiding heeft de leiding: Effect van spacing en meerdere variabelen op de prestatie in laparoscopie training
The promise of a better future: ECOSOCC in theoretical perspective
Lokale politiek in Bamvim, Dagbon (Noord-Ghana): Een antropologische studie naar de constructies van machtsuitoefening in een Dagomba chiefdom
Academic Achievement Development in the First Three Years of Secondary School
Gender mainstreaming in the Middle East and North Africa
