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  • (-) = Faculty of Social & Behavioural Sciences
  • (-) ≠ Jans, L.A.W.
  • (-) ≠ Politicologie (BSc
  • (-) = Steinel, W.

Search results

(21 - 40 of 212)


The Role of Growth Intentions and Workaholism on the Work-Life Balance Crafting Intentions Among Entrepreneurs
Expanding the Pie: The Effect of  Social Motives and Power Asymmetry  on Value Creation in Negotiations
Het effect van het toevoegen van onderwerpen aan de onderhandeling en het consumeren van alcohol op het onderhandelproces en het komen tot een integratieve overeenkomst
De Invloed van Alcohol en Aanpak van de Onderhandeling op Gezamenlijke Uitkomst in Onderhandeling
Group Negotiations: Joint Outcomes under the Influence of Asymmetric Power Dispersion and Social Motive in Groups of Friends and Strangers
To drink or not to Drink: the  Effect of Alcohol Consumption  and Order on Joint Gain in a Negotiation Task
The potential of trust to influence the integrative outcome of group negotiations
The Influence of Social Motive and Power on the Subjective Value in Group Negotiations
Sexual Harrassment and Distorted Cognitions due to the Bystander Effect
The Influence of Bystanders and their Gender on the Cognitions of Female Victims of Sexual Harassment
Standby Mode: How passive bystander behavior distorts cognitions in women after sexual harassment
Expanding the pie in negotiations: The role of power and a benefit/burden manipulation
