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  • (-) = Faculty of Social & Behavioural Sciences
  • (-) ≠ Meffert, M.F.
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  • (-) ≠ Bocanegra, B.R.

Search results

(1 - 20 of 353)


Anxiety and Pupil Responses to Negative Emotion in Parent-Child Dyads
The effects of different types of chronic disease on  anxiety, depression, and fatigue.
Evaluation of the CAPS-5 in refugee patients with a non-Western background
Beyond Words: Investigating the Neurocognitive  Pathways of Concept Formation
Different Self-Report Methods for Assessing Shifts in Depressive Symptom Severity: Do They Yield the Same Conclusions?
Passing on the kindness
Childhood Maltreatment and Eating Disorders: A meta-analysis update
Six-year trajectories of core depressive symptoms and insomnia symptoms in depressed older adults
Relationships Between Autistic Adolescents’ Self-Perceived Social Competence And Their Future Expectations On The Romantic And Self-Development Domains
Victimized Volumes: Relation Between Bullying Victimization and Fusiform Gyrus, Amygdala and vmPFC Volume over Time
The Effects of Transcutaneous Vagus Nerve Stimulation (tVNS) and Mindful Acceptance on Pain Perception: an EEG Study
Exploring the Role of Excitation Inhibition Balance on Centre Surround Inhibition
Differential Effects of Cognitive Load and Deep Brain Stimulation on Dual-Task Performance in Parkinson’s Patients
Ambiguity? In this Economy? Testing the Effects of Information about Audit Probability on Compliance
Puberty and internalizing symptoms: examining the mediating role of adolescent brain development
Visible Actions Speal Louder than Inclusive Words - The Effect of Racial Representation on Climate Activism among People of Color
Empathy and Interethnic Prejudice in Childhood: The Role of Ethnic Social Status and Gender
