Leiden University Student Repository

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  • (-) = Faculty of Social & Behavioural Sciences
  • (-) ≠ Peerdeman, K.J.
  • (-) ≠ Advanced master thesis

Search results

(21,521 - 21,539 of 21,539)


Do work goals influence our private lives?
“The relationships between Ilness Cognitions and Diabetic Selfcare in type-I diabetic patients”
Conflict Behavior in Honor Cultures and the Role of Shame, Anger, and Guilt
Perceived Pseudo-Voice: The Detrimental Effects of Perceived Pseudo-Voice on Direct and Indirect Voice Behavior
Why people perceive the same conflict differently: A Cognitive Perspective on the Perception of Conflict
Undesanding farmes' intentions to carry out agracultiral nature management
De invloed van financiële stress en hedonistische capaciteit op genot
Parlementaire Motie(ven)
Het vrijwilligersdilemma: samenwerken of is het ieder voor zich?
Depressive Symptoms during the Covid-19 Pandemic. Does Online Social Contact play a role?
Intelligentie en zelfwaardering bij kinderen met klinische gedragsproblemen
