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  • (-) = Faculty of Social & Behavioural Sciences
  • (-) ≠ 2024
  • (-) = Psychology (research) (MSc
  • (-) ≠ Dingemans, A.

Search results

(321 - 330 of 330)


Simulated Touch Buffers Against Threat. Terror, Errors, and Teddy Bears: Effects of Simulated Touch and Self-Esteem on Coping with Threat
The Social Determinants of Punishment: Morality and Social Power
Increasing arousal or restoring a sense of meaning? Boredom and the onset of gambling behavior
A closer look at the cuddle chemical The influence of oxytocin on social value orientations
Are you for real? Applying construal level theory to hypothetical questionnaires
Washing Away Your Inner Critic: How Physical Cleansing Reduces the Moral Identity Threat caused by Moral Refusers
Perceived Pseudo-Voice: The Detrimental Effects of Perceived Pseudo-Voice on Direct and Indirect Voice Behavior
Why people perceive the same conflict differently: A Cognitive Perspective on the Perception of Conflict
