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  • (-) = Faculty of Social & Behavioural Sciences
  • (-) ≠ 2024
  • (-) = Psychology (research) (MSc
  • (-) ≠ Dingemans, A.

Search results

(1 - 20 of 330)


Anxiety and Pupil Responses to Negative Emotion in Parent-Child Dyads
Evaluation of the CAPS-5 in refugee patients with a non-Western background
How does financial scarcity affect financial risk-taking
The Effects of Power and Motives
How Does the Content of Perspective Giving Affect the Disadvantaged's Motivation Towards Collective Action?
Risk perception in social contexts in adolescents with AD/HD:  the buffering role of peer attachment and adopting a continuous approach to AD/HD
Can Novelty Help Us Let Go of Fear? Exploring the Effect of Novelty on Fear Extinction.
Does threat make you want to help?
The effect of parental verbal information transmission on the development of childhood social fears: The immediate impact on avoidance and fear beliefs during social interaction
Computational Imprecision in Value-Based Learning and Decision-Making: Investigating the Potential Role of the Noradrenergic Locus Coeruleus System
Exploring Trauma-Related Dissociation: Disentangling the Interplay of PTSD, Dissociative Symptoms, and ACE in Network Analyses
Investigating the Effects of Nocebo Information and Clinician-Expressed Empathy on Breast Cancer Patients’ Psychological Outcomes
The Influence of Microgravity on the P3 Event-Related Potential
The Effect of Two Script-Driven Imagery Procedures on Fear Expression in Survivors of a Stressful Event
Functional Connectivity Changes Following Ketamine Administration:  Implications for Understanding Acute Antidepressant Drug Action
Investigating Placebo-Induced Unusual Experiences: A Multiverse Analysis of Emotional Responses
Modifying Interpretation Bias to Improve Sleep Quality in Students
Discovering the natural behavioral correlates of fluctuations in frontal midline theta power
Adolescent Depression in Light of Parent-Adolescent Discrepancies on the Causal Beliefs of Depression
Dopaminergic Modulation of the Central Executive, Default Mode, and Salience Networks
