Leiden University Student Repository

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  • (-) = Faculty of Social & Behavioural Sciences
  • (-) = Research master thesis
  • (-) ≠ Ruiter, R. de
  • (-) ≠ 2011

Search results

(521 - 540 of 555)


Social cognitive skills and intelligence as predictors of proactive and reactive aggression in a high risk sample of school-aged boys
Criminal careers: A longitudinal comparison of male adolescent offenders of native Dutch and Moroccan origin in The Netherlands.
Changing Executive-Legislative Relations in Oversight?  An Operationalization of King’s modes using Written Questions in the Netherlands, 1960-2011
Legislative Transposition of EU Migration Directives: A Matter of Coalition Conflict?
Fear at work among employees: The role of abusive supervision and power on fear of supervisor, and employees’ behavioral responses
Temperamental profiles predicting sleep quality and quantity in 9- to 11-year-old children
Child temperament influences the association between sleep and cognition
The Prevalence of Child Sexual Abuse in Residential and Foster Care
Vulnerability for autistic traits in boys with Klinefelter syndrome (47, XXY): The role of executive functioning and Theory of Mind
Child Maltreatment Influences Methylation Density of Serotonin Transporter Gene (5HTTLPR) Depending on Genotype
Social attention, empathy, emotion recognition and emotional arousal in Klinefelter syndrome
Physiological reactivity to infant crying in maltreating and non-maltreating mothers
Party Competition in a Multiparty System. An Empirical Study of Dutch Party Competition 1982-2010
The Consequences of Differentiated Integration: Asymmetry in Access to European Commission Advisory Committees?
Executive functions as the mechanisms underlying proactive and reactive aggression in child and adolescent boys.
Democratic Freedom, through Democratic Constraint: The Consequences of Political Responsiveness
Democracies, Autocracies, Liberal Norms and the Use of Force
Negative attitudes: Testing the integrated threat theory among Dutch and Islamic adolescents
Integration of verbal and nonverbal information from picture storybooks: An Event-Related Potential study with adults.
