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  • (-) = Faculty of Social & Behavioural Sciences
  • (-) = Psychology (MSc
  • (-) ≠ 2016

Search results

(4,321 - 4,340 of 5,361)


Impact of spatial distance on individual and group divergent and convergent production
EEG theta/beta ratio neurofeedback training
Celebrating diversity: Validating a screener instrument for measuring (a lack of) openness to diversity in organizations
The effects of power as responsibility or opportunity on social distance
Emotion understanding and its relation to prosocial behavior and peer problems in young children with ASD
The impact of adherence to culture of honor norms and situational norms on revenge behavior
The effect of optimism on cortisol conditioning in healthy volunteers.
Honor and dignity cultures: Effect of social reward on trust and cooperation in a negotiation
The relationship between intelligence, ethnicity and school problems among delinquent adolescents
The effect of attention to religious issues in treatment on therapy outcome
What moves them? Determinants of physical activity in young Italian adults
The effect of feedback on treatment outcome in mental health care settings: a meta-analysis
