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(381 - 400 of 426)


Treaties and Tendencies in South America: Identifying Factors That Affect Regional Security Governance in UNASUR
The Coca Curse: An Analysis of Why Illegal Coca Production Has Increased in Peru
Colombia in China's hands: Trapped in a New Dependency?
Participative democracy? Political disillusionment and the student movement in post-dictatorial Chile
Community Policing in the Favelas of Rio de Janeiro (2008-2015): A Case Study of the Unidades de Polícia Pacificadora (UPPs)
“A necessity of public intervention” (Shiva): Indigenous Women Leaders in Guatemala
Resolving Brazil's Achilles heel through microfinance: a case study of Crediamigo's battle against inequality and poverty
Citizen Security in Chávez' Bolivarian Venezuela - The Relationship between 21st Century Socialism and Violence
Violations against the journalistic profession. A comparative analysis of contemporary Chile and Mexico (2000-2016)
Impunuity in Mexico: an International Matter?
Health as a Human Right: Impact of the Doha Declaration on the Provision of Anti-AIDS Medication and AIDS-related Mortality Rates in Brazil.
The tradeoff between security and human rights in Mexico: the situation during Calderón’s ’war on drugs’
Argentina Flirts with Venezuela: An Analysis of Interest-Based Pragmatism during the Kirchner Era
Tanja Nijmeijer: From Guerillera to Peacebreaker
Brazil’s hidden agenda: regionalism as a springboard for global participation.
Where is Home? The Conflict of Belonging for American-Salvadoran Deportees'
The Bolsa Família and how it has been making a difference in the lives of women in Brazil (2003-2014)
