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  • (-) = Africa
  • (-) ≠ Taha, H.H.M.
  • (-) ≠ Stathopoulos, Athanasios

Search results

(61 - 80 of 96)


The Role of Regime Type and Durability in the Rise of Urban Child Witchcraft Accusations in Africa
South Africa's Regional Leadership in Africa
Africa is a Country: The Representation of African Countries in the US and UK Newspapers
Doomed to Fail? An Examination of Diplomatic Exchanges during The Biafran Secession
China in Africa: a quest for resources and developing Africa
From development to developing: complexity science as applied to the political economy. Kenya's economic evolution within the New Silk Road.
Energy Diplomacy as a Form of Soft Power: The Rise and Fall of Brazil’s Ethanol Diplomacy in Africa
Female Empowerment within the Muslim Community in Kenya
“You Cannot Hide Me Away”: Stigmatization, Discrimination, and Varying Experiences of People with Albinism in Sub-Saharan Africa
African RECs as regional peacekeepers – a case study of SADC
What We Do Is Secret: A Comparison Of The Actors Present In South Africa’s Medical And Muti Markets For Organs
The African Quest for an inter-African Jurisdiction: Looking Beyond the International Criminal Court versus Africa Debate
The Sons of Ham and Shem: The Portrayal of Africa and Asia in Anglo-Saxon England
The Quota System and Capabilities: Improving the societal spaces of PWDs
The Unfinished Revolution
The Efficacy of Occult Legislation as a Countermeasure to Violence Against People with Albinism in Tanzania
Crowdfunding An explorative empirical study into crowdfunding practices in Ghana
Development Through Trade: A Win-Win Situation?
M'bona en Malawi
Here Be dragons
