Leiden University Student Repository

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Well done is better than well said
How the EU aggregates foreign policy
A Front Row Multilateralist. On German parliamentary justifications for a more assertive defence policy
The Appointment of the High Representative: A Balancing Exercise at the Highest Level of the EU
Combating Atrocities - The EU’s Conduct in Myanmar during the Rohingya Crisis
The European Union and Cybersecurity; How ENISA Contributes to a more Politically Integrated Union
The influence of institutional, cultural and geopolitical factors on the EU's security and defence policy: When soft might not be enough anymore
'To lobby or not to lobby.' The Battlegroup Concept as a first attempt to a practical embodiment of the European defence and security strategy.
EU Multilateral Representation in the UNGA and UNSC: Work in Progress?
Bridging the Gap to Represent: The EEAS and Coherence in European Foreign Policy
Libya: The EU’s failure to act in concert. Analyzing the interests of France, the UK, Germany and Italy