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  • (-) = COVID-19
  • (-) ≠ Schneider, F.A.
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(21 - 40 of 63)


School in Times of Corona: Environmental Turbulence, its Impact on Performance and Moderating Role of Personnel Stability
Understanding the Impact of Debt Aversion on Student Borrowing Behaviour in Times of Crisis
Differences in externalizing problems before and during the COVID-19 pandemic in Dutch children and adolescents referred to youth care
A wildfire or a path: The influence of metaphors on perceived COVID-19 control
#IstandwithPutin Meets COVID-19 Conspiracies: A Multi-tiered Hybrid Analysis of Tweets Supporting the War in Ukraine
De rol van CA en cortisol in de ontwikkeling van depressieklachten na de eerste lockdown tijdens de COVID-19 pandemie
Changes in Psychological Intimate Partner Violence against Women during the COVID-19 Pandemic: A Systematic Review and Meta-analysis
De kwetsbaarheid van adolescenten met een jeugdtrauma tijdens de coronapandemie
Loneliness mediates the association between childhood maltreatment and depression during  the COVID-19 pandemic.
Resilience to COVID-19-Related Stress in Young People with a History of Early Life  Adversity
Invloed Telewerk en Waargenomen Leiderschap op Werkbevlogenheid tijdens COVID-19
Prikkelend nieuws op Instagram: Nieuwswaarden en wetenschappelijke onzekerheid op @NU.NL
Coronametaforen en drogredenen
Communication Considerations for Remote Contact with Cancer Patients During the COVID-19 Pandemic: Potential Harmful Situations
The Impact of COVID-19 on Social Anxiety in Adolescents
The Formal Status of Splinters in COVID-Related Neologisms
The Impact of COVID-19 on Prescription Psychotropic Drug Dispensing and Consumption
