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(481 - 500 of 606)


De invloed van China op de internationale voedselmarkt
Taiwanese-Japanese Fishery Agreement of 2013 Changing the Dynamics of the Diaoyu/Senkaku Disputes
Is the Tide Turning? - Xi Jinping’s One Belt-One Road Initiative and the Shift in Chinese Foreign Policy
Taiwanese Idol drama: the influence of identification on product placement effectiveness
Chinese and Japanese Soft Power: A Comparison of Strategies, Values and Images
Soft Power Strategy of China in Africa: Analysis in the Fields of Education, Culture and Health since the Year 2000
When pragmatism prevails over principle: the limits of China's non-interference policy
China Its Instrumental Use of Corporate Social Responsibility: The Domestic and International Pursuit of Positive Image Building
GCC-PRC relations vis-a-vis the US
Cityscapes and the urban environment in contemporary art from China
Lost of Love in Beijing? De weergave van de Chinese vrouw in de films van Li Yu en Ning Ying
Reviving the Ancient Silk Road: The Increased Importance of Central Asia to China and the Effect on China's State Security
Changing perceptions of the bicycle in Chinese and Taiwanese society.
Paradoxes in China's foreign policy - The case of Sudan
Is democracy present in rural China?
The Discourse of Vacation: A Nation Branding and Nationalism Discourse Analysis of Tourism Websites in China
The Effects of the Great Leap Forward on China’s Environment and Characteristics of Contemporary Environmental Politics
China and its Protestant Communities: Regulations and their (non)-enforcement
Two African countries, two strategic Chinese aid packages, two different outcomes
Westerse Feestdagen in Stedelijk China: de rol van Kerstmis en Valentijnsdag
