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(1 - 16 of 16)
Migrating for Equality - Gender Inequality in Japanese Workplaces and Economic Migration Among Women
East Asian Soft Power Games
The impact of Hallyu on East Asian political relations
Behind the Curtains of Neutrality
Strategic Frontiers
To See and to be Seen: Interpreting Conspicuous Consumption in China
The Effects of Japanese Constitutional Revision: The Role of Article 9 in Regional Security
State capacity in Japan’s economy and its impact on Japan’s economic status in East Asia 1945-2000
Doctors caught between the two Worlds: On the reception of South and East Asian Medicine in Early Modern Europe, 1600-1800
The rise of China and its impact on the cinematic industry: How does Hollywood cater towards Chinese censorship laws?
Japan Towards Reconciliation: From Political to Social Wartime Narratives
Rattling the Core: From Dependence to Interdependence in East Asia
Defining Chinese Minority Identity Construction and Education in the 21st Century
Picturing the Meiji Middle Class