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(41 - 60 of 82)


Security State Masculinities - Role of the State in Masculine Identity Formation in Egypt
Middle Powermanship in Egypt’s Foreign Policy: The Case of the Syrian Civil War
A Metamorphosis of the Egyptian National Identity? A Comparative Study of National Identity under Nasser and Sisi
Falling Through the Cracks - Street Children in Cairo
The Paradox of the Pious Economy in Egypt
The Hippopotamus of Deir el-Medina: Examining the presence of Taweret in the Workman's Village of Deir el-Medina
Festivals and Feasts in Ancient Egypt
The Question of Female Genital Mutilation in Egypt
When Art Becomes Liberty: A Contested Legacy of Egyptian Surrealists
My priority is Power, Mubarak's brand of Neoliberalism
Fusing Islamism and Neoliberalism in Egypt, Tunisia and Morocco: A Study into the Economic Policies of Three Islamist Parties
The 25th of January Revolution and its effect on Egyptian Foreign Policy
EU bottom-up democracy promotion
Sadat: idealist of pragmaticus? Een analyse van het beleid van een Nobelprijs winnende farao.
Painting the Palaces: Studying the Transference of Artistic Motifs and the International Style in the Eastern Mediterranean during the Middle and Late Bronze Age
Bridging the Gap Between Food Security and Migration: A Scenario Analysis on Egypt
Hybrid Regimes in the Middle East: Comparing the Autocratization Processes of Turkey and Egypt
Tunnel Vision or Tunnel of Love? Ṭāhā Ḥusayn and Sayyid Quṭb’s Reactions to Nazism in the Context of Egyptian Nationalism
Democracy promotion and stability in Egypt and Tunisia: Discursive configurations of the European Neighbourhood Policy after the Arab uprisings
The Credibility Crisis: Has the Information Revolution Rendered Arab State Media Obsolete?
