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  • (-) = Netherlands
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  • (-) ≠ Glynn, I.A.

Search results

(1 - 20 of 125)


Echoes of ancients
Defensible Spaces in the Netherlands, and the Battle Between Public and Private Space
Allen de Fabriek in
Cross-sectional geometry analysis of the Roman inhumations from the Valkenburg-Marktveld cemetery
The voting behavior of female young adults in the Netherlands in 2023
One night with Venus, a lifetime with Mercury
Comparing welfare state models:
A comparative analysis on the evolution of framing in Dutch media with regards to Albania’s European Union (EU) enlargement process.
Last, but not least
Which Opinions about the EU Led to Voting against Ukraine?
The evolution of Concrete art amongst Dutch artists
To what extent was the Dutch media able to hold the  intelligence agency AIVD to account during the  exploitation of the improved ISS data collection act  in 2018?
Islamophobia in Dutch P/CVE policies since the War on Terror
Technologies used for citizen participation in criminal investigations
Shining Examples
Collapsible Homes
The Importance of Perception and Populism
Fighting against Empire in Mokum
Literature as a historical source?
Decentralised Diplomatic Relationships between Europe and China
