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  • (-) ≠ Cranenburgh, O.B.R.C. van
  • (-) = Asian Studies (60 EC) (MA

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(1 - 24 of 712)


Legends of Wise Women and Virtuous Wives
Objectification of Women in Bijinga from the Edo Period to Modern Japan
Earthquake Waste Management in Japan: the Dilemmas of Wide-area Disposal Approach of the Great East Japan Earthquake (2011)
Stylistic, Aesthetic, and Thematic Representations of Ukiyo-e in The Post-Impressionist Movement: The Case of Vincent van Gogh
Infrastructure Diplomacy: Assessing China-Japan Competition in Third-Country Infrastructure Investments
The Art of War: China’s SCO Tactics In Navigating The Israel-Palestine Labyrinth
Religious Objects in the Maritime Trade: A Study on the Dehua Guanyin Porcelain Statue in the Victoria and Albert Museum
‘Too subordinate to be hegemonic, too misogynistic to be subordinate’: Exploring Nice Guy masculinity and the male gaze in Taiwanese cinema
Exploring the Shadows of the Land of the Rising Sun
Reconstructing Ideas of a Nation: From Ethnic Nationalism to Anti-Multiculturalism Through Migrations in South Korea
What's So Special About Anime?
Why Representation Matters: Chinese Dutch people’s perceptions on East Asian Representation in the Dutch film and television industry
Textbook analysis on the representation of Chinese ethnic minorities in a Dutch Mandarin textbook
Wen Yiduo's Qu Yuan and Guo Moruo's Qu Yuan: An Encounter of Three Chinese Poets
A comparative analysis of Dutch and Taiwanese newspapers on the portrayal of the Covid-19 Pandemic
Semiconductors with Chinese Characteristics: State Control and Successful Economic Statecraft
China: just soft power, or cultural imperialism?
Recolonising Identity Narratives in Hong Kong
Analysis of Chinese Art Display in Amsterdam's Rijksmuseum and Leiden's Wereldmuseum
Eileen Gu or Gu Ailing? A discourse analysis of Zhihu comments pertaining to the presumed United States – China dual citizenship issue of Olympic athlete Eileen Gu
We are just as Important as Chosŏn Dynasty Heritage
Wired for Competition: Neomercantilist Dynamics in the US-China Chip War
Masalah Dansa: Opinions on Social Dancing in Indonesian Print Media, 1948–1954
Addressing Ethical Concerns in Public Health Data Management : An Insight from the Chinese National Health Commission’s Guidelines and Policies
